drstrangegov ago

What about the faggot word?

22trilionAsecond ago

Reddits r/OutOfTheLoop has listed the use of terms like "13%" and "6M" as one of the reasons why frenworld was removed.

Its pretty funny thats its got to the point where all you need to say is 13%

its should be that hard to avoid insisting violence

ThisIsMyRealName ago

Go fuck yourself, nigger.

ImPhilippe ago

Stop perpetuating the gassing myth.

jewsbadnews ago

My jewish grandfather had horrible gas while in the camps, he killed a few dozen jews himself.

Diggernicks ago

Get back to reddit you cancerous nigtard

Rotteuxx ago

Nword or Kword ?

The fuck is this faggot talk ?

Niggers and fucking kikes.

The fuck were these battered wife syndrome betas still doing over there ? Why the fuck would we want them here to nigger up the place like jew cock sucking faggots ?

DarkRaven ago

Why didn’t Crensch get titty pics?

Because he’s either a gay Jew or a Jew woman.

Think about it. Wouldn’t you have a morbid curiosity to see Srayzie? Yeah sounds sick but I’m sure most guys would still look. But Crensch, why didn’t s/he?

SearchVoatBot ago

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Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

I see we got some sleeper accounts bringing their reddit faggotry over here again.

Crensch ago

Rotteuxx the cuck.

Don't be scared off by the Jews on this site, frens! Join /v/GreatAwakening in telling /v/ProtectVoat and their clan of loli-porn-posting pedos to fuck off!

swinston79 ago

Fuck off Jew lover. Your no better than a Mudshark.

Dean_Wilhelm_Hawkins ago

You should probably just gas yourself and save us the trouble.

DarkRaven ago

Crensch is either a gay Jew or a Jew woman.

Crensch ago

You should probably take a look at whose side you seem to be taking. It's becoming more and more clear that they are literally pedophiles.

Rotteuxx ago

That's the best you have at this point ?

What a pitiful display. No wonder you won't reply to @whiteronin

Dean_Wilhelm_Hawkins ago

I'm on my side.

Crensch ago

In that case, gas yourself, Jew.

DarkRaven ago

Says the gay Jew.

Rotteuxx ago

Says the tantrum throwing faggot adamantly white knighting for a jewish slut who fed him nudy pics to manipulate him.

Keep on projecting you narcissistic Incel

Crensch ago

Says the tantrum throwing faggot adamantly white knighting for a jewish slut who fed him nudy pics to manipulate him.

Sounds like how you were defending @Trigglypuff when she had her sketchy PMs revealed to show she was likely part of the zyklon crew.

Keep on projecting you narcissistic Incel

Back at you, cuck.

Rotteuxx ago

What's the matter, why so triggered ?

Has @Srayzie been paying too much attention to her husband instead of you ?

Crensch ago

What's the matter, why so triggered ?

Why the tone fallacy? Lack of content making you feel like the beta you are?

Has @Srayzie been paying too much attention to her husband instead of you ?

Why do you want to shut this conversation down so badly? Is it because all you have are character attacks on me, while I have a pattern of you white-knighting for your chosen frontholes/holeplugs while attacking anyone your main holeplug tells you to attack?

Rotteuxx ago

You're having a conversation, I'm laughing at you.

Just because you feel like throwing a tantrum doesn't mean I'll oblige.

Fuck you're self centered.

Crensch ago

You're having a conversation, I'm laughing at you.

You're a cuck, and everyone is laughing at you.

Just because you feel like throwing a tantrum doesn't mean I'll oblige.

Just because you have gotten away with not being called a cuck until recently, doesn't mean you're actually an alpha.

Fuck you're self centered.

And you have no support for any of your claims while holding me, srayzie, and shizy to standards you don't hold your SBBH cuck-buddies and frontholes to.


Rotteuxx ago

Nighty night Crenschy !

Rotteuxx ago

You can do it !

Rotteuxx ago

Remember, your online reputation depends on this !

Rotteuxx ago

I mean it or I'll have to keep on annoying you until I get one !

Rotteuxx ago

I better see it in the morning !

Rotteuxx ago

Tell you what, I'll go to bed and give you time to write up something that's not full of logical fallacies like the last time.

Rotteuxx ago

Let's go ! I'm waiting here !

I want my tantrum post !

Rotteuxx ago

Put some effort into this one, the last one was extremely lazy.

Rotteuxx ago

Are you being quiet because you're getting a fresh tantrum post ready for me ?

Rotteuxx ago

I know life must suck when you can't help but take all this shit so seriously

Rotteuxx ago

Whatever you do, never kill yourself for being a lonely incel, mmmkay ?

Rotteuxx ago

Don't give up crenschy-poo !

Rotteuxx ago

T-A-N-T-R-U-M P-O-S-T N-O-W !

Rotteuxx ago

I want another tantrum post in my name !

Rotteuxx ago

When do I get a fresh sbbhtantrum post ?

You keep recycling the same one.

Stop being so fucking lazy !

Rotteuxx ago

How lonely are you really to take all this so seriously ?

Rotteuxx ago

Thanks for promising to let me live rent free in your head !

Rotteuxx ago

Keep on linking !

Rotteuxx ago

Fuck... why not another reply !

Rotteuxx ago

So how's that super important reputation of yours doing outside of your little zionist worshippers club ?

Rotteuxx ago

Weebaboogadoo !

Crensch ago


Rotteuxx ago

Link this one to that total destruction of my character post also !

Crensch ago

Anytime you show your head in any serious atmosphere and I see it, I'll make sure whomever you're speaking to understands what you are.

A coward

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is the coward. He such a looser!

Can’t even take me up on my challenge.

Wow you have such a great team!

@vindicator sexts Srayzie and you end up her white knight. Did you at least get titty pics? I hope you did!

You white knight Vindicator and attack @ESOTERICshade. Did you get Vindicator’s dic pics at least?

Rotteuxx ago

For free ? Awesome !

zyklon_b ago

haha free publicity

also if they fuck with u the fuck wit me

Rotteuxx ago

It's surprising how excited he gets at the opportunity of exposing his emotional instability and narcissistic nature.


Where we shitpost one, we shitpost all !

zyklon_b ago

in his cucked soy boy mind he thinks if he white knights @IMCHAD he may get to fuck her one day is the sad truth.

can u imagine bein that much of a social leper that we behaved that way

Rotteuxx ago

And she loves it, she can manipulate him at will because he's so weak he lets women get the better of him.

zyklon_b ago

Dude what a weak ass bitch. He actually wastes time writing all those pages of reports and thinks it makes him tough. i bet he was bullied on school

Rotteuxx ago

If we don't stop pushing back his bills, he might come to certain realizations with time, who knows ! He could grow with this.

zyklon_b ago

Can you imagine being so self unaware that you behaved like that? i seen these soyboys like @ar47 before and they are the epitome of weak

AR47 ago

Let me get this right.

You want to emasculate, and insult someone based upon how you see them, when you are here consistently and are talking about killing babies, raping women, and bolster about your exorbitant drug use?

This is what you are doing?

Man it is almost 100 degrees here in OKC and I just checked voat to see the front page and the propaganda what would be used for Trump deciding not to kill 150 people over this Iran thing.

Low and behold I see the inbox notification and there you are. Of course you are here on this site with your adolescent mindset.

You know there are places in which even an invalid such as yourself can work. They make pencils and other stationary for people. It is a better use of your time and such a small amount of effort you can manage?

AR47 ago

Eugene would have called you a nigger and posted a fucking essay about why you were with page breaks and links.

I asked questions that you didn’t answer

zyklon_b ago

AR47 ago

Well Rotteuxx actual knows where I used to live and sent me Canadian candy.

Pretty sure he knows I ain’t Eugene

zyklon_b ago

dude u are one of biggest crybabies and tattle tells on voat. No offense intended but i member how you and crensch were once lovers.

AR47 ago

Lol I called you on your shit, and I even warned you. Funny thing is you stopped because you knew once I involved the FBI cybercrime I wasn’t going to fuck with you.

Here is the funny part. I don’t need to do a thing because they will come into your house and likely kill you. They can get away with it much easier than I can, so I say let them.

Others here can tolerate you and your shit, but I wont. That is all that pisses you off.

zyklon_b ago

No i didnt. i copied a rap song and u took it serious like a bitch. and i continued to attack u n crensch for a very lomgtime . u ran to daddy crensch for help and i destroyed both of you. @heygeorge was a witness to your crying to crensch n pv and admins.

You are @eugenenix and are a tranny @wickerman has the facts.

You have NEVER pissed me off you are entertainment like a pet monkey or midget or some kinda weak freak

AR47 ago

No I posted the screenshot of the email I sent. You tried to backpedal and now you are altering the way shit went down.

I never went to anyone ever. I have not since kingkongwaswrong banned me from pizzagate because they only talk in PV. I prefer decisive action.

You know that and for some reason feel threatened by my presence so you make shit up to suit some fucked up narrative. Honestly I don’t care what you do to anyone else and never really have as they can do exactly as I did.

Even srayzie could have because I posted the link to report you and she never did. You have the drama and seem to thrive with it. As do the others. I however don’t so you can say all the bullshit you want, but the moment you get perverse or threatening to me.....you know exactly what I will do.

Keep me out of your shit, or don’t and watch what I do to your way of life.

That is unless you want me to comb your history and you can explain to an FBI agent as to how it was all a joke......I am sure they want another case to prosecute after that guy on GAB got nailed to the wall......

Your move?

zyklon_b ago

@heygeorge he never went to anyone for help!!

yes please do comb through my history or ima comr after em fit reels dis time and i aint playin

Rotteuxx ago

@AR47, Zyklon...

It's Friday, the week is almost over, grab a cold drink, go outside, kick up your feet and smell the roses for a while.

AR47 ago

Na he wants it. I mean he said to do it.

I will go look through Crenschs stuff for screenshots also srayzie had some archived I believe.

Don’t know what he thinks I won’t do it again. Lol he can’t use that satire excuse when some guy has an MP5 in your face. They will put you in zip ties and man handle your ass all the way to the goddamn interrogation room.

It ain’t like cops where they amp down after they put you in cuffs. Federal agents don’t get out much now so they are going to get briefed on all that shit were he talks about raping babies and cutting off their dicks.

Who knows what else they will find when puttitout gets a order to search messages and reviews the PM history.

Then they will go to GAB and link that shit, and whatever other sites. Lol

Personally I hope he resists arrest and catches a few fucking bullets. Perhaps people will get that fear and realize that freedom of speech comes with consequences when you threaten others.

zyklon_b ago

roses are red violets r blue ferret is eugenenix and we know its true...

swinston79 ago

He's back? What fucking sub is he fucking over now?

zyklon_b ago

he is atrempting to make gun sales over voat to get a lenient sentence @ar47 fucked his own son to death at the okc bombing memorial disrespecting all thise dead kods

Rotteuxx ago

We all have our distinct personalities, myself I can be a monumental asshole when I see fit like I can be extremely nonchalant. I've done and said stupid shit in my life but I grew from it.

What matters in life is the ability of having introspective thoughts which allow us to grow & evolve.

The ones who are stagnant all their lives because they're unaware of themselves are the real losers.

zyklon_b ago

my name has been drqgged thru mud as has yours due to they jealousy of our freeed

Rotteuxx ago

Again and again

Crensch ago


Rotteuxx ago

Let's keep on going !

Crensch ago


Rotteuxx ago

Here's another one !

Crensch ago


Rotteuxx ago

Thought it stopped ? Nope

Crensch ago

Might want to check that link again, piggy.

Rotteuxx ago

Bah, who cares !

Crensch ago


Rotteuxx ago

How many are we up to now ?

Crensch ago


Rotteuxx ago

Don't make yank the leash

Crensch ago


Rotteuxx ago

Cone on doggy, we're walking this way now

Crensch ago

Cone on doggy, we're walking this way now

So triggered you can't even spell the word correctly.

Rotteuxx ago

Still have that link handy ?

Crensch ago

Rotteuxx the cuck SO TRIGGERED he responds to me 16 times now.

Rotteuxx ago

Come on, link to it again, pretty please !

Rotteuxx ago

Quick ! Reply with that link to that post of yours which totally destroys me !

Rotteuxx ago

And another one !

Rotteuxx ago

Oh look at that, it's another reply !

Rotteuxx ago

See how obsessed you are with me, you can't help it, you have to spam your post that soooooooooo totally destroys me !

Rotteuxx ago

Maybe one more after that one

Rotteuxx ago

Ok, just one more

Rotteuxx ago

Yes it is !

Rotteuxx ago

Is this another reply ?

Crensch ago

Rotteuxx ago

This is also another reply

Crensch ago

Rotteuxx the cuck.­­­­­

Rotteuxx ago

[Inser another reply here]

Rotteuxx ago

[Insert reply here]

Crensch ago

Rotteuxx ago

So is this

Crensch ago

Rotteuxx ago

This is another reply

Crensch ago

Rotteuxx ago

I think I'll just keep on replying endlessly to this comment.

Rotteuxx ago

Oh and by the way when you quote something a comment paragraph by paragraph, it gelps your credibility to reply something that's in context with the quote.

Crensch ago

Oh and by the way when you quote something a comment paragraph by paragraph, it gelps your credibility to reply something that's in context with the quote.

THREE times you respond to the same comment! If only @Trigglypuff weren't a fat, triggered, hypocritical sow, I'd ping her here to mock you for being so triggered.

Each sentence is a tought - a point. I respond to each one. Just because you prefer your conversations to have wiggle room for your Jewish nose to fit through doesn't mean that my way of responding is wrong.

Keep at it, though. I'm sure someday you'll show up with a point worth discussing, or a claim backed up by some kind of evidence that doesn't show you to be either a beta, or a hypocrite, or both.

Rotteuxx ago

BTW I love how the irony of your projections fly a thousand miles above your head.

Crensch ago

BTW I love how the irony of your projections fly a thousand miles above your head.

I love how you're triggered enough by me to respond with a legitimate comment after your "REEEEEE" comment.

You're a cuck. A beta orbiter. And you'll never be anything better than that.

Rotteuxx ago



Reee re re

Reeeeeeeeeeeeeee !

Dean_Wilhelm_Hawkins ago

Gas yourself.

I dont need your permission to say or type kike or nigger