qx4chenxp ago

This is the comtemt I subscribe 2 for.

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

Stupid fat bitch. Fuck off out of life. Not just Europe.

user654654 ago

HOW THE F*CK DO FAT PEOPLE IN EUROPE MANAGE THEIR LIFES??? Get active, over there! People need it!

Spit out some water at that one

Halalpork ago

"Get active overthere" lol funny read

Ghostman_Loon ago

BUT THEY PUT A POLE IN FRONT OF IT! A pole from floor to ceiling, with a button to open the door, right in front of the seat, essentially cutting off a quarter of it.

That's either a seat for 4 or 8 people based on her description.

Get active, over there! People need it!

Oh the fucking irony.

PerplexedPheasant ago

Have any of you looked at the comments, too? I found the most retarded one:

"Yeah I got shit on so bad in France and literally refused a room but I think that also had a lot to do with my friend being Black rather than us both being fat. We definitely got stated at in restaurants and everyone looked so annoyed that we existed. I always assumed it was only racism but now i see fatphobia was also at play"

Like, what? Do they think FRENCH people never seen a black person? Half of Africa speaks french, lol. I mean, they may be racist, but not THAT racist. More likely they never seen a couple of whales walking into a restaurant. And they refused you a room because they don't want to have to repair a broken bed and toilet!

Titanbikes4ever ago

God, the writing is terrible too.

hellno ago

I just loved europe. The food is so wierd over there I starved on croissant and coffee. Lol. She never complained about the food I see.

Thindred_Spirit ago

Now the fat American knows what attitudes and behaviors towards fats were like in the 1980s. I only see white knighting and asspatting from thirsty betas, but in my day people had no problem telling fats in bathing suits that we didn’t want to see them half naked. Luckily for us, it was rare to see beach fatties unless it was in one of those novelty store calendars, the ones with ninety nine year old women dressed like hookers.

mmmmdonuts ago

To the Americans here:

Does this not upset you that this whale is representing your country?

Like I'd be pissed, there should be a ban on fat travel.

Runway22L ago

That's the most shocking thing I've ever read. The entitlement is just mind blowing. If I couldn't fit in a pilots chair I wouldn't want to live. That cow isn't living. She's the definition of a parasite and she doesn't know it.

ExpandaSaurus ago

Ahahaha brilliant, that pole is there for the elderly and infirm to be able to pull themselves upright! Talk about fat consequences.

PerplexedPheasant ago

We should shame her for being ableist

tawanga ago

Well but IT said a thing right... "get active" you fuckin sack of shit!

bktra ago

I wanna high-five everyone who made her feel bad about herself. You’re doing the lord’s work.

ilikefish ago

They looked at you like an animal because you are an animal.

VoatGirlInNewAmerica ago

Finishes with "HOW THE F*CK DO FAT PEOPLE IN EUROPE MANAGE THEIR LIFES??? Get active, over there! People need it!"

Get active? Was that a psychological slip she made?

nobslob ago

jeesus how fat is this hog? Europe is not mean to fats, they see american tourists everyday for christ sakes. They are slightly more shitlordy than the states, but nowhere near what this pig is making them out to be. And while there culture still idolizes skinny unabashedly, they are getting fat too. Just about 10 years behind us.

Don't believe this overly sensitive landwhale, she must be gigantic to even have half of what she said be true.

PerplexedPheasant ago

Exactly. There are some really big hogs in Italy too, but they're rare and not screaming for attention. She reees "they've never seen someone fat??" but there "fat" means nothing compared to americans FAT. Like, what's considered dangerously obese and unsightly it's considered a small fat who hasn't any right to reee in HAES fantasyland. And conversely, an American fat is seen as what it is, something so unprecedented and disgusting, because it's completely unnatural to become THAT big

deathsquad ago

There are still degenerate parts of Europe, typically urban left wing cities. There are quite a lot of fat people in London, Paris, Berlin etc. You very rarely see fats in nice Tory villages or rural France for example because degeneracy is culturally frowned upon.

PHXSunlight ago

Really? You see more fat people in European cities than in rural area?

Is it the opposite of America?

Runway22L ago

That's the most shocking article I've ever read. I've been planning on relocating to Europe for a long time and that just clinched it.

bingo-bango-bongo ago

A psychotic rant from a stupid american fat. Save this one for the archives

fluxusp ago

Fatso should've prepared a lot better for the trip. Then the creature had known that most European locals are not morbidly obese.

cdinvb ago

Fuck. It came back.

MargaritaNikolaevna ago

The reasons there aren't so many fats in Europe apart from UK and Germany is that we don't cater to fats. Clothing runs until XXL max and buying that is a shame on itself. It's very normal to fatshame your family member for gaining weight.

High_Sierra_Trail ago

A loser in all the ways but the good ones.

NoSJW ago

Get active, over there!

Good idea! Exercise and lose weight. Maybe then people won't hate you so much. OH, wait. It means "Get active on your keyboards and insist that the rest of the world accommodate your morbidly obese self! Make it a criminal offense to dislike lardbarges! Demand they move the poles on public transportation so it won't block your truck-sized ass!"

People who are truly disabled don't moo and reee nearly as much over inconveniences as these overindulged sacks of shit. And yeah - a two-piece bathing suit? Why? For sure nobody wants to see that. This tubby must truly be a super-sized hamplanet. She really thinks that because she's American the whole world will pamper and adore her?

ZCitium ago

The irony is overwhelming - "Get active, over there! "

In Europe we have plenty of fats, hamplanets and landwhales but to get this treatment she must have been enormous and annoying.

PerplexedPheasant ago

She fits the worst american tourist stereotype. Definitely enormous and annoying ("entitled fatass bitch who think the world owes her free beetus refills regardless of local culture")

bareknuckledragon ago

HOW THE F*CK DO FAT PEOPLE IN EUROPE MANAGE THEIR LIFES??? Get active, over there! People need it!

The irony of this fat, entitled, bitch telling others to get active in any context.

ceasedmerrymaking ago

Oh my god, the cunt actually asked for free refills. Bitch, we don't do that here. Pay for your fucking sugar water.

user654654 ago

when my parents visited me in london i was so happy that she couldn't get her fucking unlimited refills of diet bepis everywhere. she was so mad

MargaritaNikolaevna ago

This! Except for Burger King, I am not aware of any place that does refills. Well except for tap water of course :)

conchpearls1 ago

Five Guys still does free refills in every outlet regardless of the country AFAIK. However, they have the largest variety of diet sodas/beverages thanks to Coca Cola Freestyle so I do just venture there once in a blue moon to sample a bit of each flavour.

ceasedmerrymaking ago

Yeah, even the fast food places here count every cent. I can honesly say I've never eaten anywhere in this country that did free refills that was not an 'all you can eat'-type meal deal.

MargaritaNikolaevna ago

Here there aren't any all-you-can-eat fasfoods. There are buffet brunches, but they're fancy expensive stuff and if we indulge, that's our only meal of the day :) Also, not so many fastfood restaurants around. Even stuff like chicken nuggets has been taken over by the hipster crowd and made fancier - and I notice loads of people order just the meat, not fries. They even serve sticks of carrot and celery as a side for those who want some vegetables :)

NoMoreScreenNames ago

Okay, I read that. And based on the last line, I am pretty sure this is a shitlord/shitlady LARPing as a fat and mocking them for their idiotic bullshit:

I did try to bring up some of those issues when I talked to locals. Whenever they brought it up, people just looked at me weirdly. Almost none knew that movements like HAES or Body Positivity or Fat Acceptance exist.

God, how I HOPE this is deapan snark-!

In any case, there are fat people in Europe ; I know, because I see them on reddit talking about how they go to the USA to buy clothes in bulk (heh, heh-!) because they can find clothes in their size here way more easily.


TheStapler ago

In clown world, Murphy’s Law applies to fatlogic too.

MatthewMarkLuke ago

I wish, the depravity of them is unparalleled.

1Fitbarbie123 ago

Those countries have real problems not the 1st world American problems. Of course the narcissistic fat only thinks of herself. It's like Bill Burr said, "I did a gig in India nice people, but the stuff I saw was heartbreaking. I come back to my own country and a fat actress is complaining, "The studio says I need to lose 15 lbs to star in the movie." Bill Burr, "Well get on the treadmill and start running you fat ass. That's your biggest complaint in life!"

changz ago

A large in UK/EU is a small in USA, or XS.

DorothyMantooth ago

I dunno. I was a XS/S in the UK just like I am here. Their sizes are a little bigger/more true to size, maybe, in that a UK 10 is a US 8, but I certainly never needed to buy a large in the UK, and almost every woman I saw was bigger than me.

Memorexem ago

Get active, over there! People need it!

Apply that to yourself, and you'd fit in the seats, fatty.

DorothyMantooth ago

Gee, it's almost like America actually isn't the hotbed of "oppression," you dipshits are constantly claiming it is, isn't it, and like you should be fucking appreciative of being able to live here and stop claiming Europe is soooooo perfect in every way?

But of course she won't change her tune one bit. Stupid selfish pigs never accept proof that they're wrong.

Carsandsarcasm ago

They will make Europe like America until Europe has all the problems of America and then they won't understand why Europe isn't so fantastic anymore because they are incapable of understanding that they and their attitudes are the problem. Europe seems nicer because it has less of your degeneracy.

mayomonster29 ago

“ Even those who didn’t get mean just stared like they had never seen a fat body before - I felt like an animal in a zoo.”

The French were like “go be fat somewhere else”. Now it is aware of it’s ungulate status in the world.

Hopefully it ventures to Japan next; my ex had a friend who was enormous and went there; she said it was the only place she’d been where she felt completely “alien and invisible”. Maybe invisible from space?

Ghostman_Loon ago

“ Even those who didn’t get mean just stared like they had never seen a fat body before - I felt like an animal in a zoo.”

That's because... WE HAVEN'T!

US fat standards only exist in the US. The only place we're likely to see US standard fat is either in the US or if PT Barnum goes travelling with his fat cunt.

vastrightwing ago

The ham is confused. She has fat privilege living in the US.

Here, we enable/encourage everyone to eat excessively with cheap food. We enable a sedentary lifestyle by making it easy to drive everywhere. Stores enable hams to shop while sitting in an electric chair. Here, we enable hams to buy cheap clothes in extra large sizes. Restaurants enable hams to stay in their cars and pick up cheap food. We even pay hams disability payments if they're so fat they are crippled. Fat privilege exists in the US because we're so used to it, we don't stare at them anymore. We even provide wider seats to accommodate hams extra large ass.

In return, hams squeeze into airplanes and take up 1.5 seats. They aren't expected to pay for the extra half seat or the extra weight and fuel. No, other passengers subsidize that for them. Hams also don't pay an extra premium for being overweight. No, hams have fat privilege.

Ghostman_Loon ago

I'm Austrian and growing up (near Vienna) we saw the occassional fat man. He was usually an older man with a beer gut due to drinking lots of beer. However, no-one growing up was ever close to US standards. Even the people we classed as huge are normal in the US.

Moved to UK where we had the Sunday Sport which ridiculed these land whales. The only other time you'd see them was on birthday cards... meant to ridicule ie this is the only type of woman you can get, lol.

calcy454 ago

great points.

bkr45678 ago

AND we also have to pander to their feefees. Any time someone oinks in their direction they have to tell everyone and they get asspats and the 'offender' gets lambasted.

Sire ago

I felt like an animal in a zoo.

Spot on.

Doglegwarrior ago

damn reading the refill thing made me have this weird thought... getting refills of a coke or pepsi what ever is just disgusting to me almost like smoking in someone elses house its not even something i would consider.. shit most times i dont finish the coke i have and i get a medium at most... only time i get something larger is the baja blast that shit is really good

Carsandsarcasm ago

This is one thing I have never understood. I normally don't want the single drink they give you. I have never finished one and felt the desire for another entire beetus juice. It's sickening to think of fatties finding it normal to get two, three, or four refills of that poison.

Doglegwarrior ago

dude go look at truck drivers they have gigantic super mug thingd 64 oz they contantly refill and drink non stop it is fucking crazy. i drive small trucks for a small company and have to see truck drivers first hand.

Cryingintomywine ago

Wtf I can drink that much water but soda? Hell no. I can barely finish a diet soda in one go.

Doglegwarrior ago

i think this is why women join islam.. they were their patoato suits can get as fat as thry want and deep down they want to be raped snd told what to do by an aggresive man... well hams of america go become muslim and the arab shit skin sand niggers dont care how fat you are they fuck dogs goats and sheep a woman no matter how hidesous is better then a goat... well usualy some of these arabs like goats more but thats inbreeding nothing can stop that fucked up shit.

DorothyMantooth ago

"they were their patoato suits can get as fat as thry want and deep down they want to be raped snd told what to do by an aggresive man..."

Hate to say it, but I have to agree with this. It amazes and disgusts/amuses me to see fat SJW chicks, who screech and whine about American men saying hello to them on the street and how OMGoppressed they are, joining a religion that is far more oppressive to women than anything they've experienced, and I always suspect this is at least part of the reason: these women don't actually want freedom (that means responsibility), they want someone else to make all the decisions and tell them what to do, and they want to be treated badly by an "exotic" man.

Converting to Islam also allows them to do this while still claiming oppression and enables them to force other people to make special accommodations for them; we all know that in today's society, "Muslim" tops the Victim List and all the SJWs will immediately and happily throw their own group or any other group under the bus to coddle Muslims. (Yes, you're all for gay rights, until gay men are thrown off buildings and you do not give a shit.)

Sosacms ago

Do Asian countries next, fatty. They'll talk some sense into you.

PerplexedPheasant ago

Honestly, the entire world aside Usa, Uk and Australia would be a nice eye opener for her, south Europe being just the smaller first step, about cultural and size differences.

I would open a Kickstarter to pay and send her to central africa, middle east, china...and record the entire trip. That would be priceless

HitlerDinduNufin ago

Get active, over there! People need it!


hellno ago

They walk and bike everywhere. Thats active.

jiggaboojammin ago


cattarhero ago

Yeah, bitch, moan, and whine! Anything but take control of your life and fix the real problem.

conchpearls1 ago


Wow, that last sentence was the cherry on top of the sundae which made me boil with rage.

Wizardslayer ago

HAES right?

Doofenshmirtz ago

Which is not even true. Hams in Germany REEE all the time because obesity is not considerd an illness itself and most inscurance refuse to pay for surgerys like gastric balloons.

ceasedmerrymaking ago

Eh, the rest of Europe makes fun of Germans and Brits for being fat pigs. Of course it's a German ham that is part of the fat moron crowd...

Smallest_Skil ago

sweet jesus with whipped cream and cherries. The cow is thankful its healthcare is covered. It should not be covered for any issues related to being a huffalump. I had a hippo sit next to me on a plane a few years ago. Fucking stinky sweaty disgusting shell of a human used two...yes two seat belt extenders. Fat fucks enjoy being fat fucks and fuck everyone else.

KobeBurger ago

Back in the '70/'80s, when you didn't see many fats, I don't remember any places that had free refills.

Smallest_Skil ago

nothing wrong with free refills on diet drinks or water. Sugar drinks should be double for fatties.

Shev3k ago

Give me free refills on my coffee, tea, water, and occasional diet pop and I'll be good to go. As for sugary drinks, I can’t imagine the amount of beetus in multiple restaurant sized cups of mt dew

ExpandaSaurus ago

In classic cafés in Sweden black coffee is a free refill. Water is complimentary. Everything else you pay extra for. Our houses are small, elevators are mini. This landwhale would die of starvation and exhaustion XD

Shev3k ago

Yeah, black coffee and water is all I need at the end of the day haha. I was just in Sweden a month ago and absolutely loved it. Favorite European country I've been to by far. Kudos to you guys for having an amazing country haha, I can't wait to go back sometime.

Smallest_Skil ago

at costco i sometimes get the lemonaide at the takeout and all the sugar makes me kinda queesy.

KobeBurger ago

Water (afaik) was always free.

eatstars ago

Some places cups weren't free, but the water was. The water was free if you brought your own cup or bottle

turtlesarepureevil ago

One would think you go out in the world to experience different cultures and attitudes, but you would be wrong. It's me, me, me. Posting embarrassing events that should have been a turning point instead of holding steadfast on ill conceived notions, HAES.

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CowboyDancer ago

TITP gets shitlorded by Europe, has hissy fit on tumblr

I’ve never been prouder of my geographic roots.

Dominus_Stercae ago

From what I read and see, Eastern Europe is still reasonable. But my personal experience of the UK and Germany is not encouraging. They're on the same slide as we here in the US (but maybe just further up).

Doofenshmirtz ago

Yeah, I would say the USA are just 10 years ahead. Over half of Germany is already overweight and there is no push in our society against people getting fatter.

MatthewMarkLuke ago

Oh there are fats here too, just less than in the usa. But unfortunately more and more fats