Whtgrlxtrm13 ago

Hunter is a shitty name for a girl. Are her parents dense as hell?

RevientaPutoGordo ago

No woman to be seen here, keep walking

mmmmdonuts ago

I like these posts because they remind me that I'm like a million times hotter than a Sports Illustrated bikini model.

That was all I wanted when I was a fat little kid.

Goal Achieved. And I didn't even really have to do anything, just not be fat.

soft_dystopia ago

I imagine her being like 6'6".

Dominus_Stercae ago


ShitLady_Sith ago

You LITERALLY have one job as a model, stay thin (or athletic/healthy) and look pretty. Bitch can't even do that right.

Mah_Selectah ago

Fuck no.

physicscat ago

Is that supposed to be a sexy face? Cause it isn't.

jlx ago

If that pic is photoshopped I would hate to be assaulted by the undoctored version. The side boob is especially disconcerting. Just gross and lumpy all over.

Smallest_Skil ago

You are fucking shitting me that huffalump should cover her shame, her ugly ugly fat shame. Disgusting pig.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Fetish smut today, the comedy of 20 years ago.

Intrixina ago

Jesus that's fucking gross.

Computergeek01 ago

That's a terrible cut for a bikini on her, but she is not unattractive. You're all just a bunch of closet case faggots and manles.

86753090100 ago

Real subtle with the one-eye symbology.

For someone with horrible self-esteem & an obvious eating disorder, she's kinda hot.

1Fitbarbie123 ago

If you go on Amazon and search Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders calendar, you will see a real swimsuit model on the cover not a Walmart version. They have a 2020 swimsuit calendar. You men don't have to put up with this fat acceptance glorification.

1Fitbarbie123 ago

A model had to be the best of the best to grace the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition in the past. Healthy, fit, hard working dedicated models got these jobs. It was very special to be on the cover and a model had to be fit and beautiful to receive the honor. Christy Brinkley, Ell McPherson, Kathy Ireland and Denise Richards were all on the cover before in the past. The caliber of the models used in the past was so high. Now the edition is a disgrace and doesn't encourage sports, athleticism or being fit and healthy at all.

CowboyDancer ago

Honestly IIRC SI was one of the first on the obesity bandwagon. Fuck them.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Holy fook, that fucking disgusting hambeast is a "model"!

If true, I'm going to need a bigger clown horn.

SpreeFeech ago

Looking at that caused physical pain in my eyeballs.

HeebSlayer ago

I laughed at Jillian Michaels making the rounds on the talk shows this week trying to explain her way out of the fat hating tweet she made about that nigger landwhale Lizzo.

cheesewh0re ago

I noticed a lot of “plus sized models” actually have thin/normal looking faces... but THIS one is just... even with what I’m assuming it buckets of photoshop, she still looks like a greasy, grimey pig? Like an actual pig, her nose is all pushed in and her lips look tiny and dry, it’s skin looks like rugged leather, not any type of jaw/cheek bone definition, second chin peeking out... even her TEETH don’t look fucking brushed. I remember seeing my dads SI years ago and those girls were flawless and beautiful, this is just... Ick.

CulturalImperialist ago

There's a really odd phenomenon with plus size models. Where they start with cute faces and overweight bodies that still manage to fit in clothes and look woman shaped. Then they get a few years older and gain more weight losing both those traits.

One would expect the industry to cycle through them quickly discarding, but they somehow retain their status as plus size models after losing their slim faces, womanly silhouettes, , clear skin and sometimes don't even have nice hair anymore.

nouseforaname ago

Needs bigger tits.

Jiggggg ago


"Two 10 Pound dumbells [sic], One 15lb weight, and a 12 lb medicine ball! There is endless possibilities with just these items right here, you can get a full body workout!"

No, you can't. If a ten-pound dumbbell tires you out, you need to seriously re-evaluate a lot of things.

FirstLine ago

She destroyed her body. It will never be good again.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

If you invested any money in Sports Illustrated you should sell right now because they're obviously in a downward spiral

Fatbreaker ago

Is it satire or real?

themeparkhuman ago

See, SI is now showing you why it’s important to eat healthy and exercise, versus showing someone who actually eats healthy and exercises.

Heathcliff ago

The Michelin Man has less rolls.

FattestConsequence ago

All I see is a stack of uncooked Pillsbury biscuits wrapped in string.

...wait, fuck, was that a female??

vastrightwing ago

Oh, I thought it was the Stay Puff man.

AllSoTiresome ago

It's like everything has to be despoiled, made ugly and disgusting.

Steeblestable ago

It's the work of Diana Moon Glampers from Harrison Bergeron, this shit is getting so depressing, I just want to go to any public place and see human shaped people and now it's in the fucking magazines too.

Yogus ago

This isn't new. Sports Illustrated has been featuring these lard buckets for a couple years now at least.

Mass_Eject ago

Get woke, go broke.

klobos ago

I thought they went bankrupt a few months ago.

aaronC ago

lmao is that sloppy photoshop work for real?

BlackToga ago

Utterly, literally monstrous

NoSJW ago

There's something actually frightening about that picture. The expression appears to be one of utter depravity that is even more disturbing that the featureless and bloated moon-faces of the super-morbidly obese.

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Dominus_Stercae ago

That lustful gaze was triggered by the cameraman holding a cheeseburger.

conchpearls1 ago

Casual reminder it used to look like this after just drinking the body posi kool-aid, and even then it was still fucking fat.

nouseforaname ago

O no way

Niceballsnigga ago

Still fucking fat

Jiggggg ago

Wow. In that picture, she's curvy but could at least still fit into normal airplane seats and wear a regular size clothing. What a shame.

DudeNudem ago

Dumb ass, she’s a fat fuck in all those pics- look at her upper arms in all the well curated pics; they are fat as fuck.

Dozeneggs ago

Damn she let go.

Jiggggg ago

I unexpectedly fell down the rabbit hole here on this one today.... if you look back even further, like 7 years or so, she was not only not fat, she was actually fairly thin. I can't help but wonder if (((they))) are pushing this. I mean, obviously there's an agenda to make us all unhealthy, but I wonder what percentage of this was her just letting go, and how much her handlers making her getting bigger to promote the whole fat-is-beautiful thing.

generic--username ago

Yeah she used to look normal, it's sad https://www.instagram.com/p/JgsTY/

belil569 ago

Not really a difference from one far to another.

privacy_first ago

Aaaaaghhhhhh, whales season is open ?

Going to CANCEL subscription NOW

Dominus_Stercae ago

I see a wave of downvotes on recent posts here. Press that mouse button piggy! Press it!