Disdain ago


THOTshot ago

Ok. I can handle it. How much weight should I lose to not be considered fat?

ForestsAndTrees ago

At the very least you should be in the normal weight range. Preferably right around the middle of it. But really, you'd ideally want to also look at whether you're overfat. People often get past the BMI charts by having almost no muscle and a lot of fat. The whole 'skinnyfat' thing.

You can do a quick overfat measurement by taking your height and converting it to inches. Then measure your waist around your belly button. If your waist measures at over half of your height than you're probably overfat.

THOTshot ago

Thanks for the tips.

Disdain ago

As much as it takes for you to not be fat. Seriously you can't ask that sort of shit without providing numbers, and this isn't fat help board. Go hit up v/fitness and hope you get a reply in under a week.

THOTshot ago

Thanks for the tip. I'll post over there too.