Here_Comes_the_Kingz ago

Simps are the god damn worst. They are why these disgusting women have inflated egos. And i'm not only talking about fatties.

Rialed ago

People like looking at train wrecks and this is a huge train wreck. We’re all looking at it, aren’t we?

belil569 ago

People wonder why I stay off social media personally. I think the only stuff of me there is modeling stuff for tailors and I keep my face out if possible.

Tistime ago

Oh come on, historically someone like this would have maybe a neighborhood or a few hundred, maybe a couple of thousand to flaunt in front of. Now she has millions to do the same in front of.

By the same token, those that are into this, the mentally defective that is, would previously have had no more than a few examples to see, and it would be unlikely they could approach them as they'll be lower than betas. So you have a situation where lots of fatties and lots of fatty lovers are all collected in the same place. 74,000 followers is quite possibly the entirety of those so minded that have internet access or about 1 ten thousandth of 1 per cent of the population of the planet.

Welcome to the power of the internet, the ability to inflate the self importance of the irrelevant people on the planet.

She'll be dead soon anyway.

CantBuySkills ago

Spread your legs πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ‘…πŸ‘…πŸ‘…πŸ‘…πŸ‘…πŸ‘…πŸ‘…πŸ‘… lick you darling


DavidOkinuwu ago

Account has been reported. That shouldn’t be allowed on any public or private forum anywhere in the entire world.

Youfatfuck ago

Where's its triple-six dude?

MeanMexican ago

Seems like all you need is a pussy to have lots of followers on IG

saloblades ago

I get that she acknowledges her "chunkiness", but those yellow teeth support my belief that hamchasers choose their targets based on evidence of a feeble mind that they're betting will be more suggestible than the mind of a normal prospering human.

Skinny_Barbie ago

Kids, I have bad news for you. Getting old kind of sucks.

But it's not without consolation in today's world. At 58, it makes me smile every time I see a ham struggling to walk. I have to repress the desire to start skipping as I pass her. Or stare one down who is struggling, because I could be her grandmother and I'm able to perform wherever task she's having difficulty with, easily.

One thing I've noticed in the past few years is that it is getting a little harder to do everything I would like to do. Tennis, sure. Tennis like I used to play, not so much.

I wonder about these young hams who can't walk the length of a parking lot. Assuming everyone slows down a bit as they get older, what will they be capable of when they're in there late fifties? Walking to the car? Up even a couple flights of stairs. Or one? I plan to remain active and alive for at least a couple more decades. Will fats even live to my current age?

Take care of your young body and will allow you a great quality of life when you get older. Abuse your body and you will either be bed bound or dead at this age.

AlanTuringsGhost ago

caldwellnm Hello my chunky hottie, don't worry about the bruises, I'll take care of them, then take care of you too. Take care my chunky hottie.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

There's one pigfucker.

CharlieSheensAIDS ago

Pig-fuckers are just as bad as the Pigs themselves. Pig-enablers too.

asdef ago

I don't know why you goats are so upset, she's a perfectly healthy and looks great for her age... of 35 years.

hellno ago

Plot twist. Shes only 35.

saloblades ago

And they say fast metabolism causes premature aging. She might be the worst case I've seen. Unreal.

mmmmdonuts ago


Oh, and do yourself a huge favor and don't look at the other posts. You will regret it up until the day you die.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Thank you all for your cannot unsee sacrifice, i'm not venturing there...

CthulhuDelay ago

Lemme get your IG. It'll be 81 then.

mmmmdonuts ago

OOooooooo I dunno. I am a bit worried of doxxing. I'm a little bitch. I have a few of you Voaters on here but I've been talking to them personally for a while first.

CthulhuDelay ago

I understand that. I have an Instagram that's totally anonymous.

mmmmdonuts ago

Thanks for understanding mate. To be honest though I thought I already had you but it must have been someone else.

ilikefish ago

Thanks for the advice, I'd like to be able to sleep tonight.

Runway22L ago

I made the mistake of looking at that picture. I have no one to blame but myself, it was properly marked. And then I read the comments, especially the one about spreading its legs and licking. I'm going to need a LOT of therapy.

redditisbrainslug ago

Oh, and do yourself a huge favor and don't look at the other posts.

Sage advice. It's fucking horrendous.

Runner4lyfe87 ago

Can confirm, saw granny panties and creepy fatness. 0/10, do not recommend. 🀒

Carsandsarcasm ago

And now you know who is making all the comments. I know FPH doesn't like the be racist, but ... there is a pattern. They are all blacks, fats, and old people.

Here_Comes_the_Kingz ago

fucking boomers

Malayar ago

niggers will fuck anything

mmmmdonuts ago

Some of them are probably fake too, you can buy followers from companies that will post comments and likes for you.

REEEperMan ago

Fat fetishists should be THE FIRST to be transported to fat extermination camps, even before the landwhales themselves.

performance ago

There's a lot of mentally ill people that are just barely functional adults. That's who's sucking up to the worst of instagram I would think. I literally can't understand how anyone can be so retarded as to do anything but laugh/throw up at these demonically revolting pictures of other retards.

FupaTupa ago

That is rotten.