SearchVoatBot ago

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i_am_porcupine ago

Update: Did not eat breakfast (or lunch). Had an empty seat next to me on my flight. Just got back from dinner, which was delicious.

SearchVoatBot ago

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frog01 ago

Walking is absolutely great exercise. Im an endurance runner, but i always try to walk more when not actively training. Especially when traveling, its not convenient to run 8 miles or hit weights. Sometimes a good long walk followed by reduced food intake offsets a travel day without training.

Also, soy’s an excellent source of lean protein. Eating artery clogging burgers doesnt make u a tough man, it makes you fat, and apparently stupid.

HamAversion ago

If having high test means being uncontrollably angry and anti-Semitic then that's okay, you can keep it.

sh1tl0rd_of_ac1d ago

Did teh jooz also make you fat?

hellno ago

Juicers always brag about how much shit they eat.

Food_Stamp ago

Yes, they're responsible for the obesity epidemic in the west.

1mpatientPatient ago

I'm female and have been lifting and running for 2.5 decades. Which is probably longer than you've been alive. I don't fast, I eat several times a day. So you're wrong but I still upvoated you because you're right about Jews, bpa and soy. Don't forget alcohol; it makes men grow moobs and develop female fat patterns.

frog01 ago

When i say fast, i only mean while traveling. Its what, 6 hours at worst? Obviously not international.

SearchVoatBot ago

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DorothyMantooth ago

You're welcome!

And I know what you mean. Aside from helping me stick to my daily calorie limit (which is basically habit by now, but still), this place has inspired me to start getting more exercise. I asked my husband for a FitBit for my b-day a few months ago, and make a point of meeting my daily step goal by late afternoon every day. Now I'm adding ten-fifteen minutes a day of "aerobic" exercise (in the form of running around the backyard playing Keep-Away with the dog; there's some stopping and starting involved, which is why I put "aerobic" in quotes, but it's still active movement that definitely raises my heart rate) and a 1/4 mile walk with him every day. It's not much, but it's a start.

Tech_A ago

My dog is my "workout buddy". We run minimum 2 miles every day, go hiking often, and he loves to camp and kayak with me too. When I first adopted him years ago, we were both kinda chubby. That very week I decided we would start our fitness journey together, and looking back on it, it's one of the most rewarding things I've ever done.

DorothyMantooth ago

That's awesome! Thank you for that, it makes me even more optimistic for our future together.

Our little man is still a puppy--eight months old now--and this weekend we're meeting with a trainer who will (hopefully) help us teach him better leash manners/manners in general; I've been doing my best, and he's very smart, but I don't really know what I'm doing so I'm sure a pro will be a big help. I'd love to be able to be more active with him but until he learns to walk on his leash without darting in front of me, I'm afraid to go any faster than a brisk walking pace (which is my normal pace anyway). He knows his name but with all that active, smart puppy curiosity there's almost no stopping him if he decides he wants to run off and explore something, so we want to work on that, too. Eventually I'd like to be able to try biking and hiking with him, and to be able to let him off his leash occasionally in the park adjacent to our house so he can really burn some energy off--he's a big, strong German Shepherd male, and will have his balls for another year or so, so there's no way I can keep up with him if he runs.

Tech_A ago

My buddy is a 60 pound Aussie, all muscle. He's a literal and figurative shitlord.... a lot of fats waddle their poor overstuffed doggies on my running route. He runs right past their untrained, jumping, barking dogs and gives me a look like "wow that guy, amirite?". Slim lady with a well behaved dog is an easy way to trigger hambeasts. It was worth all the time and effort, he really is my best friend. Good luck with your pup!

frog01 ago

I always fast while traveling the airports. Instead of paying outrageous prices for shitty food, I use the opportunity to get a ton of steps in while I wait for my flight.

Traveling is natural exercise.

HamAversion ago

I like to fast when traveling only because shitting is inconvenient and public toilets are gak.

UnknownAlias365 ago

Lol I eat breakfast and I'm not fat.

hellno ago

Breakfast for me is a coffee. 3 calories. Yay

mmmmdonuts ago

You and me both. Mmmmcoffeeeeee...

hellno ago

I add a splash of milk.

callthehambulance ago

I like this place a lot. I visited here a lot when I was burying my Mum a few weeks back. Being back home was hard for me, and seeing my family - some of whom on my Mum's side are profoundly abusive or who were complicit in her abuse of us - was really hard. My siblings and I were fat kids and we both snapped at 17/18/19 years old and lost the weight, but for us, seeing family, being back in that place? Shit was hard

Lurking here - not just the posts but the comments too - helped me get through a very dark time for me

DorothyMantooth ago

Oh, no, I am so sorry for your loss. And very glad you're here and that we were able to be of some comfort or amusement in such an awful time.

My mom was abusive to my brother and me as well, and struggled with her weight most of her life. I saw her a few months ago for the first time in seven years, and was shocked by not only her size but by the numerous health problems she now has, including diabetes. (I'm disappointed to see how she's let herself go--she was a beautiful woman, with a true hourglass figure, who now looks like a dumpy apple.) Anyway. I know how hard it is to feel anger and resentment at a parent's abuse while still loving your parent and remembering what good times there were. I hope there are good times that you can remember, too.

callthehambulance ago

Hey, thank you so much. There were some but there was always the undercurrent of threat of violence or her snapping or losing it at us. So as awful as it sounds, there aren't many and I hated her for that. But then as we got older, she changed job. She went into helping kids with special educational needs which is deeply ironic as my siblings and I, we all have to some degree or another, dyslexia or similar issues. I got the shit knocked out of me for being clumsy but she had the patience to help kids who are not her own? What a bitch IMO

I know I sound like the worst human being but I feel nothing for her. Love isn't it either because I do not see how I could love any one who put us through that. Thanks though <3

DorothyMantooth ago

You don't sound like the worst human being for that. Not at all. Not one bit. You sound like a normal person who was never given what you needed from someone so you cut your losses, which is a perfectly reasonable thing to do. My mom was rarely physical (outside of throwing/breaking things), it was all verbal and emotional with us. She never truly cared about us and still doesn't, really (she has money, and sends it to us in lieu of actually caring, which is fine by us, to be honest), but she did have phases and times when we could really enjoy each other's company. When we were older (teens and above) most of the actual abuse tapered off, but she had other, more casual ways of letting me especially know how she didn't particularly like me. And she had a habit of picking up the attitude of whatever man she was seeing, so if her boyfriend liked us, so did she--funnily enough, though, she usually preferred men who did not like us and did not want us around. Odd how that turned out, eh?

And yep, I know that "You're great with other kids," feeling, too. What amuses me is that my mom once dated a guy with a fourteen-year-old son--a perfectly nice kid, btw--and she was constantly, constantly bitching about him. She actually often called the kid "that shitting Bryan," or "that little asshole," when referring to him, because he had the audacity to want to spend time with his dad. It was just an endless stream of complaints about what a selfish little moron that shitting Bryan was. Cut to eight years later and I have a five-year-old stepdaughter. Suddenly it's important to remember that stepkids didn't choose this and how dare I say anything even remotely critical of my angelic stepdaughter. Why was I such a bitch to her? (I wasn't.) Why was I so critical of her? (I wasn't.) I once commented--privately, in the car with just me and my mom--that maybe the reason my SD wasn't acing whatever class it was in school was because she just wasn't a genius, but an average kid of average intelligence, and got a long lecture about how I needed to be nicer to that poor girl. FFS. This from the woman who threw a half-hour fit one night because that shitting Bryan had the nerve to break his arm playing football so she and that little asshole's dad couldn't go out as planned, but I'm an evil stepmom for saying I wish my sd brought better clothes with her for the summer because we wanted to go someplace nicer for dinner. So yeah, it almost makes you wonder if your mom didn't deliberately choose that job just to drive home the point that she thinks you suck, doesn't it?

Anyway. Sorry for the rant there. My point is, despite all the shit, I do have some happy memories of my mom and there were times when she was pretty cool. I'm lucky there. But it's hard to love and give time to someone who never did the same, or if they did they made sure you knew what an imposition it was (like my mom, often). I know what I feel for my mom isn't what people who had loving, caring, non-abusive moms feel for their moms, and I don't blame myself for that. You shouldn't blame yourself, either. You're not required to love someone who never treated you the way they should have. You're not required to love a parent who didn't do their job. And you're definitely not required to love someone who physically abused you. People who treat their kids like garbage, hit them, call them names, and are just generally unpleasant to them often find themselves without loving children around them, and that's nobody's fault but their own.

I am still very sorry for your loss, especially since it seems to have happened not long after you were born. Take care of yourself, and don't blame yourself. None of what she did to you was your fault, and not you loving her is not your fault, either. It's all hers.

callthehambulance ago

Verbal and emotional abuse is worse in a way, I think. It hurts as much as punches and slaps.

What you say about your Mum shitting on your SD but being hard on poor Brian? Strikes a chord to an extent with me. My Mum was a foster parent and she was flat out abusive to my foster brother (who funnily enough had special needs too) so it makes it all a lot harder to stomach, her current job.

I think we need to tell people more often we do not need to love people who hurt us even if we share genetic material with them. People tend to say we should love them or act like the abuse wasn't that bad. It's not like she tapped me once or twice, she damaged me and I see a therapist to this day. When I was told I cannot have kids, as sick as it is, I felt a measure of relief that this has been taken out of my hands.

It turns out, that This Be The Verse by Philip Larkin was not my Aunt's idea of a eulogy. My Sister and I reckon it was though. Night of the funeral we went and sat on the roof and drank wine and cried and cried. Classy, I know :p Thanks for your kind words though. As a society we don't talk about it enough. It's nice to talk to someone who gets it

DorothyMantooth ago

I don't know about it being worse, but it's just as bad--and the end result of both is that you are painfully aware that your parent didn't love you. My mom has, in recent years, attempted to apologize, saying she knows she "wasn't very nice" to us but "you kids always knew I loved you." My brother and I agree that of course we knew, because what's the point in telling the truth? Of course we didn't know that, ffs. How can a child "know" its mother loves it when said mother is constantly screaming about what a lazy, selfish little bitch it is, how she doesn't give a shit about it or anyone else in that house, how all it does is take take take and it doesn't deserve to live in her house, etc. etc.?

I bet your Mum had tons of people saying how lovely she was for taking in a foster child, too. I hope he's okay.

I agree. It's funny how we tell people these days to "stand up" to even the most innocuous teasing like it's hideous abuse, but we still expect children of abusive parents to forgive and forget. What nonsense. If anything, parents should be held to a higher standard. Yes, you have a right to not be abused by your spouse or sibling, you should be able to expect that they would never do such a thing...but you have an absolute right to expect that from a parent, who is responsible for bringing you into this world and has a very serious, very important job to do. We should all condemn people who fail to do that job, frankly, and "forgiveness" should be based solely on how the child feels about it. No one should be telling you that you're wrong for feeling as you do or that you should let it go; who the hell do they think they are?

And fuck your aunt. If she was complicit in the abuse then she definitely ought to keep her mouth shut now (she didn't have any trouble doing so when you were a child, it seems). An adult who knows a child is being abused and says/does nothing is fucking garbage and should be treated and viewed as such. IMO using that poem was pretty funny, and appropriate; it almost seems kinder than she deserved, to be honest.

And I dunno, it sounds to me like you and your sister did the best thing you could do, and there's nothing wrong with that, either. I'm glad you were able to do that together. (Also, I am a big fan of drinking on rooftops, hee.) Etiquette is actually silent on the classiness vs. non-classiness of drinking on rooftops after funerals, but has never condemned drinking after a funeral in general. So IMO you're safe there. :-)

You're welcome. Thank you, too. And again, take care. I hope you can continue to feel better and maybe we here can continue to brighten your day(s). {{{{hug}}}}

sh1tl0rd_of_ac1d ago

Nah. You don't sound like the worst human at all. I won't have anything to do with my delusional narcissistic mother and won't give it a second thought when she croaks.
Nobody deserves to be forced to tolerate other people's abuse and nonsense just because they're related to you. Life's too short. You gotta be happy doing you.

EffYourDuckAss ago

100% true.

callthehambulance ago

Thanks. Seriously, thank you. I really need to hear that. Is it awful I only went to make sure it was her in the box going into the ground

sh1tl0rd_of_ac1d ago

If it makes you feel better you seem like a far better person than I am. I won't even show up to the funeral for mine if she has one.

If I'm ever contracted about her death by the authorities my plan is to tell them it's their problem now and they should just throw the body in the dumpster for all I care.

capricious ago

Lmao you’re welcome. I always find that I visit this sub when I’m eating and I naturally eat less.

Youfatfuck ago

You're welcome! Breakfast is for fats, though technically they're not breaking a fast because they never fucking stop eating.