0fsgivin ago

That's a great supervisor. He recognizes you do your shit and doesn't want to overload you for risk of burning you out and making you leave.

eviltwill ago

but when all your coworkers including your supervisor are death fats, they burden YOU for not moving slowly enough to stretch 3 hours worth of work in 8, and for yelling at a particular fat coworker who can't stop dropping things around your work area and not picking them up because she has to bend down and you got fuckin tired of her ass doing that. dumb cunt.

Secret555 ago

Had the same issue at one place of work. Would get all my work done and even would finish the work that was "left over" from my fat bitch coworker but I was lazy. Stopped finishing her work and explained that it was hers to do and I will not pick up her slack. Got called into a meeting with the owner who was a woman and restated that I was happy to do my work but was tired of having to finish hers everyday. Coworker started crying and pulling the " it's not my fault" bullshit, boss lady tells me I am a poor team player and that I should be ashamed to make her cry. Fired me on the spot. Didn't really care as I was tired of doing all the work. Funny thing was I never had an issue with the boss and had a good relationship but as soon as she hired miss piggy things went to hell real fast.

eviltwill ago

i'm all over this thread because that's funny and so close to my recent experience. i got slack numerous times for calling a particular pig i worked with out on not being able to move out of my way in time (i worked with heavy machinery and she worked onsite doing something else. often times, as soon as i would drive my vehicle near her, she would get too close to it or not move when i would be driving a golf cart or my truck past her. i had to slam on my horn numerous times, arousing my supervisor's anger, a near write-up for it. she just cried that i never gave her enough time to move (even though nobody else seemed to have a problem). it's not my fault she's fat and can't turn around easily when a 2 ton object is coming towards her. we made a "deal" that i hit my horn 'once' and then i had to wait ample time for her to walk out of my way. i've since quit this job.

ChanceofRain ago

was tired of having to finish [her work] everyday... boss lady tells me I should be ashamed to make her cry.

Sorry to hear that. I would have told her shame and tears have no place at work. You did nothing wrong. Losers want to bring everyone down because they won't do what it takes to be better.

At my job, we hired an SJW type recently. They work in a different department and I try to avoid unnecessary conversations, but you know, they're always looking to start some kind of shit. The dude is new and slow because of it, and also pretty dumb. Definitely not the type to figure shit out for themselves. Today I was picking up some of his slack, doing his work, and he comes up to me and says "Are you doing this?" I'm holding his shit in my hands, obviously 'doing this'. I just look at him and say yeah. He just stares at me like a dumb colt, so I gesture with my full hands and get back to work. This guy... stands behind me and mutters, "You know a simple answer would have been enough, I don't get it." He sighs loudly and throws a box down right next to me like a cunt. I completely ignored him and finished his work at twice his pace.

Won't be surprised in the least if I have an unscheduled meeting with HR in my future.... Stay strong.

Secret555 ago

Sorry to hear that. We live in such a dog eat dog society where even our good intentions are used as weapons against us. Sjw shit is hard enough in social circles but can truly ruin a perfectly good work environment. In my case I was the only male in the company so it was more of a lack of empathy aspect that got me canned. All I was trying to say was the fat bitch had plenty of time to eat at her desk ( which I had to clean up) the overflowing garbage full of treats I had to empty each day only to find that she could not finish her paperwork every day. I will help anyone but she was just playing me and she knew exactly what she was doing. I just wish I could have seen how bad it probably got after I left.

0fsgivin ago

If it's been over a year call the company and when receptions answers ask for her name...If its been over 2 years ask for you supervisors name...you'd be suprised.

Every shit manager ive ever had failed. It took some time...but sooner of later they got canned.Usually after I had laready left.

Secret555 ago

It's been a long time and I am certain it was a shit show after I left.

Horsearooney ago

Hey, word of advice from an older manager type. If u finished, FIND more to do, productive work, not disruptive of others.. even the fats and idiots. Every workplace has more to do... Sweep the floor, fill the photocopier etc...

heyfattybomsticks ago

The fats at your work are just extrapolating the idea that where they have failed, others should pay. It comes with being fat: everyone and everything must change to accommodate their sloth and degeneracy.

BloatedVoatGoat ago

Plant some empty buckets of KFC and leave McDonald's wrappers laying about while complaing about weight loss for the win.

culofiesta ago

I can't tell you how many jobs I've had where this is an issue. The corporate structure promotes laziness and inefficiency

speedisavirus ago

You are lazy. If you weren't you would approach your manager to see what's next on the plate.

crashing_this_thread ago

Hm, perhaps you've just become a victim of fat supremacists.

SmokeCigarettes ago

Worked an office job where I was the only fit person. Everyone else was fat and always complained abouy how tired they are. I told them to start going for walks on their lunch break. A few of them received the advice well. After several months of walking in the parking lot of their lunch break I followed up to ask how they're feeling and they unanimously said they have more energy after becoming more active. One of them I still know and he went on to join the local track club. He's on the right track.

Subtly suggest that to them in a conversation when the context is appropriate.

eviltwill ago

oh i know! these cunts i worked with were always obsessed with getting to work early but what difference does it make when they call in sick once every 2 weeks or do half the work i do in the time they don't? their knees, the huffing, the puffing, this excuse, that excuse. pa-thetic. the lunches these bitches brought to work would kill me. everything in a plastic wrapper. no food that didn't come out of a plastic wrapper from a gas station (it's more expensive that way, even, so they can't argue otherwise). giant sodas to sip throughout the day as work went on. those big gulp tank things that a normal human needs 2 hands to hold. they might as well have a soda canteen. well, actually, some do.

NotPolice ago

And record the pig-squeals from the non-humans.

Neinlife ago

I feel your pain. Being faster or better at the workplace often makes the job harder.

If you normally do double or triple the work of coworkers and have an off day where you only get 50 percent more done they call YOU the lazy one.

The reward for a job well done is getting to do other peoples work, also.

misanthropiclez ago

AMEN! I always tried to work hard and impress bosses and it always turns into "let's give her everything no one else wants to do"...i end up souring on people quite quickly because of this.

Neinlife ago

EXACTLY. Helping people out of a hole they either dug or were pushed into turns into a pile on. This has become way more evident since unions took over this area.

0fsgivin ago

My first union job was the exact opposite of this.

Unions have fuck all to do with it. It's shitty supervisors who don't recognize who good employees are AND also recognize that you can't let a good employee burn her/himself out.

Unions should never be compulsory. But the never beallowd too be harrased/busted up by Jews/government either.

Neinlife ago

this is my first union job and shit was way different before they took over.... not exactly better but at least the management and non management got along. management now is basically a bunch of meter maids only there to write anyone up for anything they can find and the first thing they did was disband quaility control teams which in this industry were crucial...

they have replaced field techs with 15 years experience who worked their asses off with a bunch of fucking jungle niggers literally fresh off the boat, give em 2 weeks trainin and let them go. its not all the unions fault but they havent done shit to help and damage to customer homes and company equip has skyrocketed

vastrightwing ago

Never ever "report" shit to your supervisor or HR. That labels you as a complainer and a problem. Just breath and let it go.

Twentyonepointthree ago

He & I get along great. I was more giving him a heads-up about the dumbasses we have to work with, than filing a report.

Littleahsoka ago

It would really depend on the situation not to go to HR if you feel bothered, in a serious way.

Regardless though if you think it's an HR issue you should go to HR. Fuck everyone else. If you have a problem and work sucks but you can complain and fix it even if other people will "judge" you for it, Fuck them and their opinion.

Ham_Taro ago

Mostly agree, although it sounds like OP has a friendly relationship with their supervisor. Otherwise, you're spot on. Supers know exactly who the problems are. HR is a little trickier, especially with fats. Be careful not reporting them, because they'll do whatever they can to get you in trouble.

Mass_Eject ago

Gotta be careful going to HR. It's usually made up of bitter femayos. Especially if you're a shitlord.

Couple that with the fact that HR hasn't been about employee rights for a long time, only about protecting the company, you risk quite a bit even filing complaints unless you are an "oppressed," class.

CommanderFaun ago

This is terrible advice.

MrKequc ago

Typical equality of outcome crap from the betas. Keep doing what you do man, stand your ground, ask for a raise or a promotion soon.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Lol, good job preempting your super that the fatbutts might begin flatulating their complaints at him. The world is full of people who want you to do their work for them.