carmencita ago

I totally agree. I also think the states are flooding our schools with teachers that dish out abusive punishments to children. Children will learn to disrespect teachers and start rebelling. Trouble. Interference.

7e62ce85 ago

Public schools and teacher's unions certainly prevent the bad apples from being fired.

carmencita ago

This was not the case decades ago. They have infiltrated them and changed laws. I am old enough to have been involved in both and am so very upset with what is going on today. People in our family sent their kids to public schools and they had union jobs and today are much better off than the rest. The problem is the people at the top. They have been put in place by TPTB. We must not fault the teachers. It is the rules and laws and their bosses. People need to check into the backgrounds of the Principals of their child's school. No one does this. Because we never had to. Now it should become a habit.

7e62ce85 ago

This was not the case decades ago. They have infiltrated them and changed laws.

Nothing was infiltrated. When you get your paycheck no matter how bad a job you do, corruption happens naturally over time, what you saw was not a working system, but just a slowly decaying system at an earlier stage.

People need to check into the backgrounds of the Principals of their child's school.

This is a natural thing to do when you pay yourself, but when it is public and they are all more or less the same this option is eliminated.

carmencita ago

It was a working system. Your perception and mine do not jive. That's all.

7e62ce85 ago

It's not a working system if it breaks down after just a few decades.

Rome during its golden age was based on low taxes and male authority and it lasted for more than a thousand years. That is a working system and the Emergency Nation constitution is based on those principles.

If you really can't see the problem with socialism then you are correct you will not fit in here. Still I wish you good luck.

carmencita ago

Fit In? Who made you Boss? Stop making this site about politics. When I started on here we all seemed to work pretty well together. People like you and some others are trying to split us apart. We are working together on one common goal. The children. Bye.

7e62ce85 ago

You are currently posting in an explicitly anti-socialist subverse.