Silverlining ago

CS261 L1 DC Bound synopsis

Roger Stone said " should follow George" got them on Infowars - ClownStrike starts - Dmitri - putting together a firing squad to kill the president - tried 9 cases - they all escape - killing diplomats who won't allow USAID to transport drugs.

Boko Haram - Alkaida of Nigeria - Meuller firing squad - Podesta on the run - ratline files may have been in the toy building - put into the trunk - JP dropping off the ratline info - last stop in Utah - operation underground - Russia childhood adoption - it was about child trafficking - Ivanka running this whole operation [I thought she was running the anti trafficking sl ] - European adoption consultancy FBI - hearts valentines day - Stevie Steve of Strongsville talked to his girlfriend - went to orphanage for wayward kids - source of organ harvesting for Cleveland clinic Euclid Oh going to be part of this - just like the transactions were sharded just like in the car dealerships - Catholic Church across the street from Cleveland Clinic - also sharding - info passed to Don Jnr

Silverlining ago

News to me

Analiator 17 points 7 hours ago

Oh podesta can see the future now, calling for the murder of a person 1 year before the event took place. Ok.

RecoveringGrace[🍰] 14 points 6 hours ago

Same year Seth was run down by a car, had major lung and shoulder surgery because of it and survived. Also the same year that his friend and Obama White House staffer, Jake Brewer, was run down by a car and killed. Weird.

Silverlining ago

L7 Vigil 2 chat silverselection

Truth Shrugs​ ACG location in Laguna Hills, CA. Is podesta going there

Joeys Cleaning Lady ​He is going to Laguna Beach to see Stephen Cloobeck

Investigate Racine​ We are not republicans or democrats, we are HUMANS. We need to recognize who the real enemy is. It is the Council of 13 and Pilgrims Society.

Investigate Racine ​Is Podesta meeting with Ari Emanuel and Ashton Kutcher?

sugar cane​ OAN deleted alot of Seth Rich stuff on their site though, not sure why

NIGHT BY NIGHT ​I can't believe that Medstar lady doctor is called Trankem? Who makes these names up?

Joeys Cleaning Lady​ podesta is now in LAX

Investigate Racine​ If you want to look at one way how healthcare is involved, look at mafia ties to Wheaton Franciscan and DaVita Dialysis in Racine, WI - a playground for the global elite for transplants / transfusions

jeff boston​ Comcast wouldn't carry it so I canceled my cable...they lost $150 and I saved$147...screw Comcast!!

Barbara Sue McGuirt ​Happening worth covering. Non-attendance says s lot...on several levels. Thanks for this.

Kathy Kane ​OAN is the only cable news allowed in POLAND, as reported the other day.

Staff Member ​Myron Fagen said the same in 1947...

Investigate Racine​ Many youtubers just want to discredit the investigation. Again Lori you are correct look at how SC Johnson was tied to beginning of the Art in Embassies program.

Suzy Odom​ Paul Ryan never campaigns so it has to be rigged

Investigate Racine​ Omaha = Pizzagate Central, so is Denver, St Louis, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and .... Racine, WI.

NIGHT BY NIGHT​ I'm real suspicious of everyone in the Rich family except the Mom who I think is coerced into going along

Lilly D​ The whole Rich family are operatives- they don't want to be exposed

lansing street blues ​people of Racine and district 1 need to quit voting for rat ryan

Investigate Racine​ They may not be voting for Paul Ryan in actuality. Elections in WI are rigged.

basschica ​@Terry Ambrose on Jack's scope someone from the inside said Donna Brazile and Perez were there. They didn't say for DWS.

Rochelle Sevier ​@Jason Goodman Matt Couch said that Seth's roommates wouldn't talk with them. They shut the door on them

Staff Member ​MedStar's internal billing data will be informative...

Suzy Odom​ Honey Bee was there earlier and Jack P too

Jodi West ​I Was Dem Until I Saw Through Obama Etc...Purge 120MILLION AMERICANS Per Fed Agnt Suicide Note Pier 40 Hudson River

Jodi West​ Ron Johnson? Paid By SOROS

Investigate Racine ​Priebus and Ryan are both working for the mafia and Pilgrims Society

G Podesta organizing a Crystal Nacht event in LA? [ 1947 reference?]

Silverlining ago

L5 SEIU Clubhouse live chat silverselection

Miss Miami​ DNC Emails were copied on July 5

NIGHT BY NIGHT ​the whole DC police and mayor are in Podesta back pocket

Dalene Jones ​Vigil still on? Just heard no permits--it's over [suppression bot ?]

Silverlining ago

L4 Wabbit Season

High performance thumb drive - government issue? - 19GB - fast file transfer - theforensicator -

Daniel Patrick Vezina - the rabbit? - did he work for DNC - Organizing for America - someone spoofed the files - virus files old files - sounds like DanV locked the files - Trish emails from DanV - infiltrator - Quinn = MIT brain trust out of Obama campaign - lot of breakthrough tech in those campaigns - MIT tech to find out more info about voters and donors - data mining - good customer service vs spying - get info - illness in family, need for children's education - next call from happy hearts call to help you - use people's own communication with bots - bot hack into Amazon, but you're giving info to a bot - affinity groups - people susceptible to appeals around their personal interests and concerns - apps to get you to your polling station OK - misdirection NOT!

People in state after state sent to wrong poll in primary after primary. Common dirty trick in elections.

Seth's App sent people to the wrong polling station - Quinlan Greenberg Rosner - @ 12 mins

McCabe deep dives added to NGPVAN concerning - Seth and his father have background in oil and gas industry - Corsi - Seth no innocent baby -

Crab Wiley(?) Andrew Periot also at Greenberg - 6 years on Stanley Greenberg couch in DC - Rahm Emmanuel.

self service bots - access to info and data bases - Palantir - personal access all [your] areas!

Jason - TRANSCRIPTS?? - hockey stick - cost of storage and processing power falling - dystopian twist to invasion of privacy - Rabbit and Defango and Beth who hijacked Trish email - Defango working for Obama - scheme got converted into dirty tricks on steroids by Hillary - we know more about Seth Joel Aaron Rich background - 2012rs might still just don't realize the people at the top aren't - thinking they are doing the right thing - autopsy confirmed? - G: have to get the cameras - Linda saying Stratton Colorado just East of Flagler - G: JP flown to Clarksberg [ G Washington would travel in expensive coach and get onto white horse just outside of town to ride in on his white charger - faked campaign - JP not driving - why risk getting caught - JP flies in whisper helicopter -

G: spoke to Brenda Smith - 4 lawsuits NCR paper Maryland, Va, Nj, NY - you should have known deleterious effects - so filed earlier - one of ways of taking people out - give them poison paper to take people out and replace them with your people - Brends said she'd never been asked to do anything illegal at SEIU -

Stevie Steve - mentally retarded kids at clinic for organs - slippery slope - child ratlines and revenge ratlines start and then they put in a sales quota and jack up business - expand the play. Daniel Patrick Vezina, Maria Padhalia and Sodalitas Vulturis Volantis like this. [ not archiving likes ] [ probably wron g Vezina but could be wife sister - The Back Eddy, Michelle Dumont Vezina, Rob Glancy and 12 others like this. comment on the pic of four people at the fishing port - [double KEK 77-XX]

LIST program

Silverlining ago

CS 261 On the Road Again cod synopsis

Great field investigation Cleveland - children being brought out of Eastern Europe - back to Stronsel? raid - Trump/Putin meeting of minds - Putin "If you don't do anything about this [CF] I will - billing tracking - Podesta counter terrorism escort and got the records he felt safe stopped twitter war - Denver Co core and blood and stem cells Claud Destry - Utah operation Underground Ivanka Salt Lake City - fundamentalist wing of Latterday Saints - take girls raise them US base of all child traffic until sold - G targeting of small children of your enemies and making them a rape target to show revenge is sick - used to be honor in intel services - no messing with kids - professional chivalry needs to be restored - McCabe's days numbered - Wray from Enron McCain link -

Stevie Steve handler for all human trade - sex trafficking organ harvesting -

Local file of Goosifer docs - Warren Flood - technical advisor for Joe Biden -

NADRA BANK Uranium 1 deal - 22 partners one share for Hillary one for Podesta - 20 partners @ $20m each Jeffrey Kayzenberg Amy Pascal - Warren Flood has contributor spread sheets for his commission - pressure on people before convention? - to keep them quiet - accomplicing - make everybody dip their hands in the blood - one girl at end of party - Long Island Serial Killer - annual initiation killing once a year -

Defango and locked files - DNC could have been a deliberate leak - an accomplicing leak to warn anyone getting mouthy about oil and gas deals in central Asia, Ukraine or central America - not just keep quiet, but stand up on the podium saying how great Hillary is

Cover for how documents got out on the web - everyone has to believe the cover MSM participants - Goosifer for Sony -

Jason riffs Defango - rabbit sent naked photos to Trish of his undoubtedly tiny penis -

Pretend we're in GPVAN - records of people who want hearts, want their children to get into med schools convenience stores with quarter weight drugs - Bernie people spot 4 hour data wall breach - stealing info - Josh Utretsky Berkley kid - put in by Andrew Therio - plant - Bernie knows he's compromised - has to get rid of him - need new driver for the VAN - not a physical van - backup period of 4 hours - deliberate loophole left open for eight years - data snatch once a week?

Hillary has to put in another Bernie guy who everyone trusts - Seth Rich - can't put in Aaron Rich - he's CIA ClownStrike - maybe Joel Rich - driving NGPVAN Iowa to Offut AFB - has been all over the world with a Gas Institute doing gas lease plays - knows Scott Cleeve Energy Pioneer Solutions - Why does Aaron have a top secret clearance - so only choice is really to put a Panda in there and put Seth in there - play the Bernie game - we're going to walk that murder scene five six times a day from all angles - dash cameras all EMTs police officers - get all info -

Suppose I give Seth a blackberry to sync with his home computer - kill the killer - no cameras of any kind - people who use AI bot intelligence deep wave computing - figure out human psychology - annoying Jason to test the theory [ego, no?]

Jason AI riff - must watch! - "It's like getting upset at the washing machine."

Seth Rich an AI plot to study human response behaviour??

They're going to the Vigil

Daniel V in the lock files - Defango says George locked the files - Defango had password - DanV = rabbit -

NGPVAN - if it went on to Boston - those would be the muddiest footprints ever - even if Seth case solved - it's all about the Clinton Foundation- pay to play for arms child trafficking drugs and organ harvestin - Braverman flipped out about the KKNR pay to play white phosphorous - 88 employees quietly sized down to twelve - trusted staff - the Protectorate - 12 people left in CGI - doing the ratlines - from the Tony Podesta toy building or MWW - run for it - Marathon Man trying to get rid of the stuff all along the way - he knows he's going to get busted - they'll go for the child trafficking first - Peter Kadsic has dinner with Podesta frequently and often - they're brothers - he went over to McCabe's house to say you can't have any Grand Juries - nothing sworn no 302s - clamp down by Peter K on NY field investigation - JP has jet to Maldives - G&J on the Podesta bus -

Braverman - Day 1 thru 50 [the deleted videos] - saw the weapons deals DU - really? - white phosphorous breaking point - Ira Magazine stole $167m UNITAID money - EB caused first set of leaks - EB at World Bank and IMF - Goose 2 - three files from Warren Flood - internet office of Joe Biden - requires setting up a wordpress site - Defango near genius tech expert - same with HA Goodman - tremendous dot connector - Jason riff - G stops him - you need to get some glasses - HA threatened by Eric Schmidt - G it's noise - give me signal - Joe Biggs murder attempt -

Hillary had data spread to 17 different agencies - so metadata all around - Soros Austin hit -

George is pissed - Jason riff - Thank you Simplify007 I will follow my heart - and sometimes I feel the need to tell idiots to shut up

Trial date for George September 12th - Joe Biggs left InfoWars some time ago - maybe spilled too much Strongsville - warned Podesta

Warren Jeffs backed by FBI - he is flds and had 30 compounds where they were keeping these kids - G dated one - the most beautiful woman he dated - Call 503 919 0748 about impeachment, G this is serious 3 or 4 ratlines collapsing right now - kids moved by gangs from war torn countries - JP must meet with Utah people first - Trump will clamp on this first - fake adoptions - Beth Smith - weird lawsuit - Louis Gomert problem - Oh, we've covered this right now - whole network is still in place in Congress extorting Senators and Congressmen -

Frustration that MSM and alt media not picking this up - Hannity Sara Carter - Putin maybe a murderer and thug - but has chivalry - leaves the kids alone -

Staffers on the Hill had blank stares at "Awan" - Podesta went to the WH skiff - was wet works guy - Bob Creamer - fix this guy for me - got to get higher numbers on 12 year olds from Mexico - G: appeals to Defango and HA Goodman to come over from the dark side - J would like Base 1 - G: CIA FBI bitcoin - Silk Way Airlines DU - we need a comment filterer -

J: George - get glasses then you could look at the comments yourself [see G's face!]

Silverlining ago

Another classic Jason riff - [It's an Aries thing sl ]

G: Who's the Frank Burrows(?) guy? People doing sophisticated ClownStrikes.

Podesta is meeting at Laguna Beach with Steven Clovek and Miller Hat Rafaelli (?) - G he was supposed to go to Utah - more of a sanctuary city - muslim clerics talking about revolution - want Berkley model rolled out - UCS broken windows - deferred tuition for broken windows - Anitfa - Intifada

J: Quinn a genius - G: JP broker a deal with Isa - Isa's territory - guy who originally asked for HC's records - did investigation into Benghazi - started whole FBI investigation - speculation - ran house oversight before Chaffez - JP in LA for intefada or brokering a deal - Dave - if he started talking about NATO generals phone - Doug call - does Quinn know my brother? - what am I missing from the chat - Quinn working on NGPVAN stuff - if we can get packets with ip addresses - that's what we need - and log-ins - Pundit talking about how files were copied locally - All they've got [Goosifer 2 re Russia] Nicky Haley say "We know the Russians did it" - whatever Mike Kempner tells her to say.

Lee Stranahan close to Ukraine thing - if he just flipped a little thinking he would have whole NADRA thing

Julian Assange just tweeted that John Podesta had 370 images that would put him away for life. I can't find the tweet, so perhaps they were right to stop the stream.

Silverlining ago

L3 On the Road Again live chat silverselection

RJ Ingmo​ 100s child bodys found with no organs in thailand.

Joeys Cleaning Lady ​Elon musk imports opium from South Africa

UpinCT ​Hearing is the 12th--Wednesday

Matt Dodaro ​meuller has put 15 layers on his impeachment party

SnowBlind ​Vaccines for pregnant women designed to destroy our kids before birth

Joeys Cleaning Lady ​organ harvesting is no worse than eating read meat. Google your bacon in reverse

Duckluvnmom​ Why did Trump bring the prosecuting attorney, that gave Jeffrey Epstein that "sweetheart" plea deal onto his team?? That really worries me.

Charlie Brenner ​Enron was the typical white collar criminal investigation. Lawyers interview a lot of people and cut a deal

ParadoxLostMusic​ Good point.  With Feinberg in the house, how will Dyncorp get sorted?????

Steve Cambridge ​Do you guys remember Mitt Romney? He has been a member of the Clinton/Bush gang for decades. He used to launder drug money for the Bushes. HE IS A Mormon and entrenched heavily into the RAt lines.


Jason Mull​ guy from enron moved to CO and became the largest land owner. no prison time.

Sue Harrison ​cps =clinton cash 4,000 a child according to pizzagate voat article today [ ? sl ]


Stephen Taylor ​California Legislature Legalizing Marriage to Children of Any Age is in late stages of approval

SnowBlind​ Freemasonry was infiltrated by zio commies just like everything else

Steve Cambridge​@Jason Goodman Mention MITT ROMNEY to George. Laundering money for a long time. 

Silverlining ago

Lori Hammink-Peterson ​Look at Purple Shovel in VA guys

Dan V - rabbit?

Jennifer Madison​ Speaking of Giuliani he was in France July 1 with newt gincrch and bolton at a Free Iran event? wonder what that was about ?


Lori Hammink-Peterson​ Brand - lots of info on that - and they are displacing ppl in Baluchistsan to do it

Donna Summers ​my cousin adopted a Korean baby and President Carter was on the plane

Investigate Racine​ Kadzik, Lynch, Comey and McCabe all were involved in stonewalling RICO investigations linked to Racine once they found out who was involved (Clintons, McCain, Paul Ryan)


Dan Halen ​Nobody knows why Braverman got handed his job at Google +Investigate Racine - seems like that was just a show/cover

Pamela Marcum​What does George want exactly??

Curtis Carruth ​I've been screaming Warren Flood for months

Investigate Racine​ Not just Podestas. Emanuels are also in deep

Silverlining ago

CS261 L3 chat contd..


Michael B​ What's the deal wth FBIANON? He mentioned NATO officers and other wikileaks search terms that are relevant


Diana Horton ​Monitoring TV coverage, everything is Don Jr. met with Kremlin Actor during 2016 Campaign. This has been the headline all morning

Stephen Taylor ​We need marching orders... George ....QUESTION...what do you need us to be researching for the next step after Vigil???

Dire Straights ​V4CR Vets 4 Child Rescue r working with 8-9 Agencies under Radar is on the case for Child Trafficking... Podesta is bringing in Intel... that's why they let him RUN!!!!

Investigate Racine​ RED FLAGS ALL OVER. Quinn is disinfo. Do not fall for the AI tricks. [sounds unlikely sl ]​ hangs out with Dave Acton! He was live on his phone last week! lol

Joeys Cleaning Lady​ 27 SHREVE DR , LAGUNA BEACH , CA 92651

Pam Cromwell​ You've got to listen to ALL OF THEM IN ORDER TO GET THE BIG PICTURE. They all have different angles, contacts, perspectives, viewpoints...i's great keep it up.

Eyesopen Nofear ​If bots could really learn then they know we tune them out just like we do to whiney children

Silverlining ago

L1 DC Bound live chat silverselection

Ron Sisler​ They've released the bots everywhere. You can assume any nasty troller is a Bot.

Franz Glaus ​Deb Jordan keeps us up to date.

Michael McCartney​Why does GW avoid the whole 9-11 investigation? [Wasn't part of that destruction of records and nicking of gold - building 7 - sl ]

Suzy Odom​The Guccifer 2.0 files were allegedly copied from a local machine, and not hacked via the internet, by Russians or anyone else. MSM has picked up this story & its BAD for the demoRATs

Silverlining ago

L1 chat contd..

AwanBrosKebabs​We haven't heard a peep from FBI Pete Santilli since the Oregon debacle.

Lo K​AwanBrosKebabs, well, my friend Pete Santilli is hanging in. I talk to Deb several times a week

Lo K​Franz Glaus, yup. The video actually has Pete's arrest in it, as well as when the FBI stalked him at Verizon, and it has LaVoy being "dang mad!"


Lo K​hey scrunchies! I did a video last night in response to George and Jason about Pete Santilli and LaVoy Finicum its on you tube com/watch?v=fn_TFzmujyY&t=35s [wish you could do a weekly review - cut, paste and annotate sl ]


Michael Brown​ at freedom fest is Dan Bongino who work on the financial fraud task force of the secret service....intrerview him then enlist help with the money movement of the ratlines

N8​a little back and forth, David Seaman getting all hot and bothered about George, proving his ignorance and calling into question his intentions [bad publicity better than no publicity! sl ]