AJ ago

I am truly torn between leaving this up, or deleting it...

Irony_Dan ago

And dumb-ass shit like this is why I'm still on reddit.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

so your logic is that since some retarded OP on voat didn't read their article before posting it you will stay on reddit where pretty much nobody, OP or commenters read the articles linked at all and just make up BS based on the headline?

have fun in your safe space.

Irony_Dan ago

If by "Safe Space" you don't mean in an ignorant circle-jerk, I'm more than happy to be in a "safe space".

Sorry if I would like people to actually think before they post, and not go LOL JEWS VOAT UP VOAT UP!

BrownMoses ago

Stay there and don't come back.

Irony_Dan ago

You know, I'm not sure you deserve to have voices of sanity in your echo chamber.

BrownMoses ago

"You know, I am the only voice of sanity of this site, and you do not deserve to hear my righteous words of wisdom"

tips fedora

Irony_Dan ago

You do realize that you are defending a shitpost, and the shitpost replies, correct?

Ah, but who cares, I'm probably just a SJW, or a Jew, or both.

FazedOut ago

This is the most blatant case of partisan politics by alarmists I've seen yet on Voat. Here's a tip: Actually read the full paragraph and the explanation paragraph before it. It's a response to retards just like that blogger, and this poster.

fuckyousantorum ago

He was joking

RedditIsPropaganda23 ago

If his book came out in 2003, why are we only hearing about this now.

l-emmerdeur ago

This site is like stream of consciousness nightmare