carnold03 ago

Any and all translations of the holy bible published prior to 1960.

JoJo1990 ago

Why before 1960 specifically?

carnold03 ago

Seems like a good year to work back from in building a library.

Whitening ago

The Turner Diaries by Dr. William Luther Pierce

Forgot Hunter

JoJo1990 ago

Who is the author of Hunter?

Whitening ago

Dr. Pierce

JoJo1990 ago

Thank you. The Turner Diaries has already been mentioned, but I will add Hunter.

Whitening ago

10 Books That Screwed Up The World ( And 5 Others That Didn't Help ), by Benjamin Wiker

RCCollier ago

The Turner Diaries by Dr. William Luther Pierce: Calls for White revolution

The Brigade by H.A. Covington: Has a realistic blueprint of how White revolution can take place

Siege by James Mason: Pushes Whites to extremism

My Awakening by David Duke: A great book to red-pill Whites who aren't on our side yet.

Civil War 2: The Coming Breakup of America by Thomas W. Chittum: Predicted civil war 2 and gives great advice for survival and battle

The Final Order by R.C.Collier (shameless plug): Another book involving White extremism and pushing for White revolution. Great book recommendation list although I should probably update it.

JoJo1990 ago

Thank you

RCCollier ago


DrSelfAppointed ago

Wont be to long before libraries have old dictionaries and encyclopedias removed for lacking, or contradicting new: opinions "historical facts," or definitions.

MrPim ago

I think most regularly get rid of old books. My local library has held a yearly book sale to get rid of old books for many years. But they just did a total remodel and I think most of the books there now are new. So that sale is probably done for awhile.

JoJo1990 ago

It's especially prevalent in academia. Most textbooks come out with a new edition every year. Little changes here and there can really add up.

DrSelfAppointed ago

Revolt Against the Modern World - Julius Evola

The Culture of Critique - Kevin MacDonald

ardvarcus ago

The dangrous books are the ones that tell the truth. They are not dangrous to us, but only to the liars and hipocrites.

The Bell Curve

The Holocaust Industry

Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The International Jew

The Destruction of Dresden

Free to Choose

Pinkanon ago

The Diary Of Anne Frank

Go Ask Alice

Anything by Dr. Benjamin Spock

JoJo1990 ago

Why do you think the Diary of Anne Frank is dangerous?

Pinkanon ago

Because it is not real, and all propaganda is bad...

JoJo1990 ago

And the other 2?

Pinkanon ago

Go Ask Alice is anti-drug propaganda that helped lead the way for the "War On Drugs", and Dr. Spock ruined multiple generations of children with his anti-discipline ideas for them...

RCCollier ago

Turner Diaries by Dr. William Luther Pierce

The Brigade by H.A. Covington

Siege by James Mason

My Awakening by David Duke

Civil War 2 by Thomas Chittum

The Final Order by R.C.Collier (shameless plug)

JoJo1990 ago

Could you explain why you consider each of these books to be controversial or dangerous in a few words?