Fairly easy way to expose 99% of the false sects/religions out there. One simple verse.
Revelation 14:12 - Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
Verse says they must keep Gods (10) commandments, and the faith of Jesus.
Sorry to burst anyones bubbles, but that eliminates catholicism, orthodoxy, baptist, lutherans, methodists, pentacostals, mormons, jehovahs witnesses and basically every single other one.
Thats just the 99% test. Few other ways to expose the other 1%.
Also, let us not forget even the commandments are being jewed away as we speak. Now, we have (((Christianity))) using "Thou shalt not murder" as "Thou shalt not kill". It is one of the greatest illusions the average (((Christian))) has, but show him the Truth and he will then realize that murder and kill are two very different things. Killing is not pleasant, but is a man wrong to kill a thief to protect his family? No. Not in the slightest.
That commandment may as well be the 2nd amendment of ancient times, if you look at it right.
I decided to look into this a little deeper. I usually go straight to the King James version because I believe it hasn't been altered to much. When looking at Exodus 20:13, it says "Thou shalt not kill." While looking deeper, I found that the Hebrew word for "kill" in that sense is "ratsach." The meaning of ratsach is "to murder" (premeditated, accidental, as avenger, and slayer). This confirms what you speak of.
I decided to take it a little further and find the Hebrew word for "kill" when God commanded that men should kill gays, child sacrificers, etc. In Leviticus 20:4, God speaks of killing child sacrificers (as your duty if you know about it). The Hebrew word for kill, in this sense, is "muwth." The meaning of Muwth is "to die, kill, have one executed (as a penalty of)."
Anarchy99 ago
This book was considered the most anti-Semitic book ever written. It was written by a Jew. LOL
You can still order the hard copy on Amazon.
Goys-R-Us ago
Wow. Doesn't surprise me though. The host will die and then what for the parasites? Haha, stupid fucks.
GenderPronoun ago
This work explains the work and history of Justin Trudeau and his father quite nicely.
Goys-R-Us ago
What's the synopsis on Calvin?
70times7 ago
Fairly easy way to expose 99% of the false sects/religions out there. One simple verse.
Revelation 14:12 - Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
Verse says they must keep Gods (10) commandments, and the faith of Jesus.
Sorry to burst anyones bubbles, but that eliminates catholicism, orthodoxy, baptist, lutherans, methodists, pentacostals, mormons, jehovahs witnesses and basically every single other one.
Thats just the 99% test. Few other ways to expose the other 1%.
Phantom42 ago
Also, let us not forget even the commandments are being jewed away as we speak. Now, we have (((Christianity))) using "Thou shalt not murder" as "Thou shalt not kill". It is one of the greatest illusions the average (((Christian))) has, but show him the Truth and he will then realize that murder and kill are two very different things. Killing is not pleasant, but is a man wrong to kill a thief to protect his family? No. Not in the slightest.
That commandment may as well be the 2nd amendment of ancient times, if you look at it right.
Grizzible ago
I decided to look into this a little deeper. I usually go straight to the King James version because I believe it hasn't been altered to much. When looking at Exodus 20:13, it says "Thou shalt not kill." While looking deeper, I found that the Hebrew word for "kill" in that sense is "ratsach." The meaning of ratsach is "to murder" (premeditated, accidental, as avenger, and slayer). This confirms what you speak of.
I decided to take it a little further and find the Hebrew word for "kill" when God commanded that men should kill gays, child sacrificers, etc. In Leviticus 20:4, God speaks of killing child sacrificers (as your duty if you know about it). The Hebrew word for kill, in this sense, is "muwth." The meaning of Muwth is "to die, kill, have one executed (as a penalty of)."
Phantom42 ago
Mmhmm. Glad you see you dug for yourself and didn't have me try to explain it. I promise it would not be as succinct.
Grizzible ago
What you said made sense. I just like to have the details in case I need to use the argument in the future.
Phantom42 ago
Mmhmm. Just don't try it on a jew. They had to have invented legalese... Lol