Newgoat having a meltdown (
submitted 6.3 years ago by C_Corax
MadWorld 6.3 years ago
LOLs, probably just another one of those troll accounts
Not_a_redfugee 6.3 years ago
99% sure it's a shitpost. He loves shitposting lol
srgmpdns 6.3 years ago
Every day around this time:
Bedtime tantrums, nothing more.
C_Corax 6.3 years ago
I on the other hand have gotten up early and the morning coffee has yet to kick in. Fooled I guess.
He's shitposting
clamhurt_legbeard 6.3 years ago
Nah, that's u/theAmerican trolling
He's had other names I'm sure.
Firevine 6.3 years ago
Thanks, I knew the pattern of behavior was the same but I couldn't remember the name.
Oh. Wasn't he supposed to lead so kind of invasion and take over Voat or something?
Don't believe a single word he says.
MadWorld ago
LOLs, probably just another one of those troll accounts
Not_a_redfugee ago
99% sure it's a shitpost. He loves shitposting lol
srgmpdns ago
Every day around this time:
Bedtime tantrums, nothing more.
C_Corax ago
I on the other hand have gotten up early and the morning coffee has yet to kick in. Fooled I guess.
He's shitposting
clamhurt_legbeard ago
Nah, that's u/theAmerican trolling
He's had other names I'm sure.
Firevine ago
Thanks, I knew the pattern of behavior was the same but I couldn't remember the name.
C_Corax ago
Oh. Wasn't he supposed to lead so kind of invasion and take over Voat or something?
clamhurt_legbeard ago
Don't believe a single word he says.