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26705352? ago

What makes you the right side? What makes them the wrong side?

They believe that you are on the wrong side and they are on the right side.

If you want to really know the answer to that question, then you must know what drives these people. And on top of this, you have to get out of the habit of grouping everyone into central categories. I, for example, have a lot of fascist ideals. I however base these on other pre existing principles. On paper I could be called a fascist, but I am not by what is considered a fascist. I also hold left wing ideals, but not under the concept of unlimited freedom to be degenerates.

26706209? ago

There is no right side, there is only the correct side and the truth of it is islam was founded by a man named moohammad, a camel jacking terrorist pedophile.

26706983? ago

How do you define what is correct? And what if a man is taught wrong? The average person is stupid, on all sides. But judging from that post these questions probably cannot or refuse to find the answers to these questions. So lets just stick with? How do you define what is the correct side and what is truth?

26708845? ago

Is there something wrong with your fucking brain shitbag? Why the fuck is a coward like you trying to defend islamist pedo terrorists??

26709870? ago

Because there is something way more dangerous than muslims. It is people from within that post like you do. A muslim can be converted and with that comes an ally with great furious passion to fight against what they used to be. Unfortunately, people like you have no chance of being of value to the right side. If you are not able to understand your enemy, then you can not fight them. You not only not understand your enemy, you do not understand those that you would potentially consider allies. If you fight for ideals that you do not understand, then you are a hypocrite for fighting against any other ideal.

26712299? ago

The others are correct and you are wrong, that is how to define correct here. Muslims lie to infidels they are told in their book to wage war by propaganda when not in direct physical combat. Some fakeass jihadi friends no thanks. You dont need them on your side, there are Yezidi, Arab Christians, the Jewish for all their shit actually understand muzzies well enough and ex-muslim Atheists the Apostates of islam might actually be allies. I dont get why people call islam a 'Race' or Ethnicty is Communism a Race or Ethnicity, the idea is so stupid.

26716923? ago

The others are correct and you are wrong

Billions of people disagree. If you think the answer to the problem is wide spread slaughter then you are of no value to the "right" side.

26721081? ago

I never said anything about bombing them, they have already destroyed themselves. Keep mocking them in song, continue to mock them by media and drawings, keep the cartoon animations running, keep criticism of islam in books in comics, that is islam's greatest weakness it is so butthurt and sensitive it can not take any criticism. Instead of bombs they USA and allies should be dropping mockery mohammed cartoons.

26721897? ago

Unfortunately the only result of that is just disdain for whoever you are or represent. Muslims are taught that being mocked is a sign from god on who is to be destroyed. Mocking them just encourages them. I am sure that by just looking at recent history you can see this. From your "conservative" muslim to your actual muslims, the only way is to flip the switch using their own texts and if you are able to, show them who the true messiah is. Unfortunately it is nigh impossible to stop a believing muslim with anything other discussion and evidence to contrary their beliefs and this can only be done if they are willing to listen to you. If you mock them they will discard everything you have to say automatically. I have put this in practice a number of times and while I may not have been successful on the spot, I have planted the seeds of doubt in many muslims. When they pause to think about what you have said or can not give you an answer to your question about their beliefs, you have made a successful attack. This can not be done with mockery, but with friendly association and respect for what they have to say to you. Do not get me wrong, I could never be a real friend with a muslim and outside of the situations I have been able to discuss things with them, I will never actively seek them out as friends and nor do I want them in my society. I actively do what I can to stay away from them. But I am a Christian apologist so this is the way we work. Know your enemies rules so you can break them for them.

26708839? ago

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