25821313? ago


But unwashed niggers do.

25747580? ago

They throw knock off cologne instead of showering daily. Plus their shit diet isn't helping the stench.

25745407? ago

Trick question.

Orc dont bathe and aleays smell like shit.

25769282? ago

Will you watch the Disney movie? I guess At one time Asia was smelly and one time Europe did not have running water systems. I guess Africans are sort of new to civilisation so for some to bathe it could be a 'cultural' thing. Some wash but that weird muddy earth animal smell is very strong, the African human sheds its outer layers more (increased desquamation), also that wooly steel wireish afro hair does not wash so easy, so inside the head you can get smells of 3 day old road kills, left over foods, old smoke pipes, inside their head you have that smell and others smells etc you also gets smells like old sodas,smoking blunts, greasy fried chicken just from the head alone. Blacks dont seem to cope with dry heat so easy, their is differentdensity and output of sweat gland in the body this leads to different type of bacteria living of the sweat gland, the apocrine sweat gland, Sebaceous glands... https://voat.co/v/movies/4040100/25766347