21322253? ago


further, every type of gnosticism (rosicrucianism, sufism, kabbalah, new age, theosophy, etc) is also satanism

21321800? ago

Yes it is.

The aim of masonry is to compromise your conscience gradually until you are a psychotic predator!


They attack people with gangstalking. This is identical to satanic ritual abuse without the symbols. Only psychopaths, narcissists and pedophiles use these disgusting tactics.

Satanisim is the religion of the psychopaths.

21321584? ago

It's older guys getting away from the nagging wife.

21326912? ago

Freemasonry Shriner Jester Former judge pleads guilty in prostitution scandal. Freemasons Royal Order of Jesters sex trafficking ring https://voat.co/v/QRV/3494145

21321459? ago

No. It isn't.