16597595? ago

I dont know enough to make an informed shitpost. Post some links pls.

16597277? ago

@Hockey_Sweater what is soap box !? @AndrewBlazeIt @thatguyiam well done guys for making the shit list @wtfeva @tendiesonfloor

16597453? ago


Ill bet some cocksucker VOATfags would loove to convince non-fagget goats to make self-incriminating 'hate' comments, or maybe even make actual terroristic comments because, hey, this is an anonymous subv afterall!

..no way in the world the glowinthedark CIA fags are watching voat at all!

FOUND YOU, glowinthedark F A G G O T S

...quit beckoning,


16597429? ago


16597520? ago

OP is too right though.

16589419? ago

and the Freemason? what is it they worship an amalgamation of gods, a Demiurge so to speak? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3016505/16589364 !?

16597200? ago

turst the plan goys @drstrangegov @Rotteuxx jew anon ? @SarMegahhikkitha @NeedleStack

16597274? ago


16587975? ago

No. Those old aristocratic family are purebreds. Jews culturally appropriated aristocratic surnames when they were forced to develop familynames in order to be counted for civic reasons.

16589072? ago

A few thousand years ago many cultures found out that inbreeding was wrong, some continued to do it in Europe, House of Habsburg was a dynasty in Hungary which died out everyone having massive chins. The Queen did not like Diana and she hooked up with an Arab Dodi el-Egypt al-muhamamd Fayed, next she dead, Fayed was the first cousin of the late Washington Post journalist, Jamal Khashoggi. The old English Royals have mixed with a lot of people Bulgarian, French, Belgian maybe even Jews, but they are 'Royalty' their claim to the throne it could be as dodgy as many other noble family. A third recension was probably compiled during the reign of Henry I and was used at the coronation of his successor, Stephen, in 1135. While retaining the most important elements of the Anglo-Saxon rite, it borrowed heavily from the consecration of the Holy Roman Emperor from the Pontificale Romano-Germanicum, a book of German liturgy compiled in Mainz in 961, thus bringing the English tradition into line with continental practice. The main elements of the coronation service and the earliest form of oath can be traced to the ceremony devised by Saint Dunstan for Edgar's coronation in 973 AD at Bath Abbey. It drew on ceremonies used by the kings of the Franks and those used in the ordination of bishops. Two versions of coronation services, known as ordines (from the Latin ordo meaning "order") or recensions, survive from before the Norman Conquest. It is not known if the first recension was ever used in England and it was the second recension which was used by Edgar in 973 and by subsequent Anglo-Saxon and early Norman kings. The system it remains stable as long as eligible heirs are heirs male or heirs general but when they don't have a son or no kid.. that's when you see whats really happening and who is running the big stage show

16597780? ago

The Queen did not like Diana and she hooked up with an Arab Dodi el-Egypt al-muhamamd Fayed, next she dead

...shhh, quiet now. You don't want mr fabulous Elty Johnny to go apeshit on the esablishment for killing his beloved princess because racism

16597962? ago

So they had her killed because racism?

16597819? ago

...hahahaa, or maybe he'll snap into a jealousy rage fit and start tweeting about arabs

16597898? ago

That would imply that he's not a faggy-faggy faga-roo, which i very much doubt.

... try to find the faggot clip without copying the url. Fucking youtube MUST DISSAPPEAR

16589116? ago

Do you know why inbreeding is wrong? Because only gods and royalty are worthy of keeping pure bloodlines. For you to commit adultery and marry your sister is to get uppity and claim to be as a king or a god.

16589165? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3017210/16586502 The intricacies, sensitivities and distinguishing factors of the City of London do not appear to be readily available. Perhaps someone from that area of the globe could provide enlightenment.

16587540? ago

connect with the imperialism, wars, illuminati, middle easy, Europe and freemasons? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-4111604/House-Windsor-quietly-celebrating-centenary-changing-Royal-Family-Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.html House of Windsor is celebrating centenary of changing http://www.snipview.com/q/House_of_Saxe-Coburg_and_Gotha ?

16673463? ago

Matrixxs & Shady interview - Recorded https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3026154/16673439

16587605? ago

New Negro Mayor of Bristol Orders The Removal of "Dull and Dated" Classic Artwork Hanging in City Hall and Orders Them Replaced With This African Garbage. https://voat.co/v/AnonNews/2895545/16390936 Fun Fact the one on the right is an original Wanksy, and was moved brick by brick from the toilet it was left in. Its a antique from a primitive dindu ghetto from a time before these signs had been invented