Newmemba ago

weren't you saying this last week?

AEndtoThemForever ago

Holy shit, loon are you still here fabricating bullshit and peddling melodrama? Lol thought your qss left already. Try the chans or Reddit. They thrive on the k8nd of half baked nonsensical bullshit you peddle.

Diggernicks ago

You're worse than a bitch with your manufactured drama

drakesdoom2 ago

Shut up and leave then.

carlip ago

good riddance jizz-swiller

Atomized_Individual ago

Flagged for hatespeech.

TheAmerican ago

Banned for one month

DakotaJane ago

I really believe this is a bot.

Posts make no fucking sense about 99.9% of the time.

TheAmerican ago

My cpu is a neural net processor a learning machine.

DakotaJane ago

Learn to speak less.

TheAmerican ago

Why would you say that to me?

Atomized_Individual ago

No it's a humanoid

perro_negro ago
