leavethebag ago

cold turkey

harddrive ago

Cat scratch city

GabeVitoro ago

My friend just said his would be Memory from Cats. LMFAO


GabeVitoro ago

Sex Bomb (Peppermint Remix) - Tom Jones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0kUhRc8x58

White_Phillip ago

She Used to Love me a Lot

Johnny Cash


PraiseIPU ago

here is his newest album

Mandatory Fun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Gv0H-vPoDc&list=PLyTIpZNRRNVkC_ze453Fb6k-oZtby8GIM

I love it. Saw the concert even.

kltpzyxm ago

Can we see your sister?

GPBunny ago

My ding-a-ling

TH3_1D10T ago

All Alone, gorillaz.

alalzia ago

Since i am into whores : A Fistful Of Dollars by Ennio Morricone

123_456 ago

Like a Virgin.

Except not like a virgin. I am a virgin.


dirty deeds done dirt cheap acdc

Oknatora ago


Fembot ago

Song sung blue.

geese ago

Jizz in my pants

libby ago

Either: Polly by Nirvana or Love Rollercoaster by The Red Hot Chili Peppers.

degenerate7 ago

Wanted: Dead or Alive

Or maybe Raining Blood

Redditsdead ago

NIN - Closer

Hipsterrr ago

Young Sinatra by Logic

TimberWolfAlpha ago

Interstate Love Song.

Scandinavian ago

It's Raining Men by The Weather Girls.

What? I'm gay. Dick is free.

PraiseIPU ago

Would the original "Pet" version be better? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrEP3RPgEao

IDK what it means either. Wishing I had more partners maybe.

PraiseIPU ago

Wow I was thinking Weird Al https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXiwYUCe_bY

Vhaine ago

It's raining men- written by Paul Shaffer

kltpzyxm ago

Tear You Apart - She Wants Revenge

UsedCoffinEmporium ago

NOFX - Total Bummer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m67Ck8iKTtc

one more

Firewater - Dark Days Indeed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7w7ANL-V1Q

Iforgotmy_other_acct ago

Enjoy the Silence, by Depeche Mode.

middle_path ago

Beat it

Wingedfoot13 ago

Just beat it

HawkGT ago

Whip it, by Devo

stegg001 ago

Nirvana - Rape me

PraiseIPU ago

Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the Wardrums


Iforgotmy_other_acct ago

I just clicked on this thread.

That song came on Pandora as soon as I saw this comment.

Let the record show the planets aligned at 2045 hrs, this 2nd day of January in the Year of Our Lord, 2016.