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followthemoney ago

Just a feeling. Zyklon was the one pretending to be vindi on Poal knowing full well vindi would blame kev. Based on that statement. Just waited for kev to be active. Trigly screenshots might be very accurate. Vindi makes accusations like shizy last accusation against kev tho rotti made the anon comment. Both accusations wrong. Many accusations wrong.

Rotteuxx ago

What's that about an anon comment ?

followthemoney ago

You made a submission that matched the content of anon comment. It was meaningless. Just some ribbing. Just before Shizy deleted she accused Kev of making the anonymous comment and made a long post about it that was proof of nothing. Just like Vindi latest post just like many such false accusations.

So you or someone who anonymously commented just like you triggered shizy. She blamed kev because confirmation bias and strung together nonsense to make her case.

Rotteuxx ago

This one ?

Kek, that was on the first page of results from googling "@srayzie"

followthemoney ago

You made this submission:

shizy made this post:

I assume it was you because of the similarity but it could have been anyone. Due to confirmation bias shizy made the accusation against kev with zero evidence and the comment was benign imo anyways. Fake outrage. Or delusional. Either way it was probably not kevdude. High chance of being zb if not you. Onlybadmin will know and it isnt worth the time to check because dumb.

Rotteuxx ago

Damn, that's a lot of deleted comments. Makes you wonder how many times it was just her replying to herself.

followthemoney ago

Sleeper accounts like crayzie that evaded freeze could easily be used to sow discord anonymously which is why the outraged monkey behavior is the wrong reaction. Outraged monkey behavior is the desired effect.

HollaKost ago

I have just a feeling too,

That kevdude and zyklon_b work together.

Just a feeling though.

followthemoney ago

Why? Any particular 'telegraphing'?

HollaKost ago

I don't have enough to prove it, yet, but I can see that the curtain is behind to lift. I suspect as more people begin to see things differently, they will come forward with more information to help tie this all together.