zyklon_b ago

you did the right thing

followthemoney ago


Just a feeling. Zyklon was the one pretending to be vindi on Poal knowing full well vindi would blame kev. Based on that statement. Just waited for kev to be active. Trigly screenshots might be very accurate. Vindi makes accusations like shizy last accusation against kev tho rotti made the anon comment. Both accusations wrong. Many accusations wrong.

Rotteuxx ago

What's that about an anon comment ?

followthemoney ago

You made a submission that matched the content of anon comment. It was meaningless. Just some ribbing. Just before Shizy deleted she accused Kev of making the anonymous comment and made a long post about it that was proof of nothing. Just like Vindi latest post just like many such false accusations.

So you or someone who anonymously commented just like you triggered shizy. She blamed kev because confirmation bias and strung together nonsense to make her case.

Rotteuxx ago

This one ?


Kek, that was on the first page of results from googling "@srayzie"

followthemoney ago

You made this submission:


shizy made this post:


I assume it was you because of the similarity but it could have been anyone. Due to confirmation bias shizy made the accusation against kev with zero evidence and the comment was benign imo anyways. Fake outrage. Or delusional. Either way it was probably not kevdude. High chance of being zb if not you. Onlybadmin will know and it isnt worth the time to check because dumb.

Rotteuxx ago

Damn, that's a lot of deleted comments. Makes you wonder how many times it was just her replying to herself.

followthemoney ago

Sleeper accounts like crayzie that evaded freeze could easily be used to sow discord anonymously which is why the outraged monkey behavior is the wrong reaction. Outraged monkey behavior is the desired effect.

HollaKost ago

I have just a feeling too,

That kevdude and zyklon_b work together.

Just a feeling though.

followthemoney ago

Why? Any particular 'telegraphing'?

HollaKost ago

I don't have enough to prove it, yet, but I can see that the curtain is behind to lift. I suspect as more people begin to see things differently, they will come forward with more information to help tie this all together.

sfaskjdfaksd834 ago

Because his shit was full of half truths and twisted facts.

lmao this shit coming from kevnog @argosciv you know or HAVE any idea how much likes this fuck has about me?

just a reminder all....



@kevdude is a power mod who deletes comments & submissions, claims its something he has never done under the wrong.

@kevdude uses /v/protectvoat to ORGANIZE to downvoat users and brigade subverses. he continuously lies about me because he is paid to do it.

just one example from a shit alt @smokenofire


and he fucking lies 95% of the time, you can see he as in almost bot like attack c&p the same message to me over and over

just another example, of the " builder" @kevdude lying


He even ask for quote in his words "my services" to brigade a verse. he works along side of @crensch who is also a paid shill.


hes now even saying I c&p replies as another user... WHEN HE DOES THE SAME THING







and generally happens within seconds of my postings.... will PIA protect me from that puttitout, fucking sellout

Here is more just one example of @kevdude shenanigans "the builder"


kevdud bots

and he never has a real argument, I guarantee is a paid shill, much like crensch at this point

and dial was never a main... more lies you spineless cunt botter

[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 1.5 hours ago

If you get downvoted you get restricted.


[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 19 hours ago

It's Dial. I block all his accounts now. He adds nothing to this place.

here is @kevdude submissions history, fucking amazing work kevnog getting people banned and downvoated to nothing!

https://voat.co/u/kevdude/submissions <---- notice how every thing is upvoat from PV goonsquad.... FFS all he does upvoat shit motorhead remakes. Im calling voat manip on him... its so jewy

Still Zero on who systematicaly downted me. "OOOOh no it cant be Protectvoat" can it?"


Hey @crensch, aint you that power mode from /v/GreatAwakening ?




here is "the builder" @kevdude threatening users @puttitout


argosciv ago

You stay the fuck out of this you scum sucking little wretch.

If you think, for even a moment, that because of what's going on between @kevdude and myself, @Crensch, @Vindicator and others, that I am supportive of you or will tolerate your sperging bullshit here, you are sorely mistaken.

Take your countless alts and get the fuck out of my path.

sfaskjdfaksd834 ago

You stay the fuck out of this you scum sucking little wretch.

oooo feisty

sperging bullshit here


Submissions: This user has upvoted 2961 and downvoted 2922 submissions.

Comments: This user has upvoted 10855 and downvoted 9951 comments.


argosciv ago

I have not even begun to handwave.

/proceeds to handwave:

I was really surprised at how you went out and who you pinged. I thought maybe there was something else, but I see you buy the narrative that we need strong mods to handle the shitposters. Nevermind what the users want. It's not that I want to enable them or that I am in league with them. I just don't notice them. During the fights over the defaults they trolled me for so long and we didn't have block user back then. They just have no power over me so I don't see them as the threat you all do. They can't ban a user or delete their speech or selectively enforce vague submission guidelines. Only mods can do that shit. This is the hill I die on. Have a good night.

What, did you forget how to press enter(or shift-enter)?

You have a good day, presuming it's some time between 12am and 7am for you.

argosciv ago

Then you have severely underestimated me.

Now, I'm going to enjoy some quiet time and music, before I go get some much needed sleep. I've been awake for over 24 hours now.

I have the entire day free tomorrow, though, so you better be ready to actually read rather than handwaving like you have towards @Crensch and @Vindicator.

argosciv ago

Ok imagine for a moment that I really don't know why you're pissed.

Imagine for a moment that I know that's bullshit.

argosciv ago

Yeah, you go ahead and play it cool.

I gave you a chance to leave me the fuck alone, a chance for you to reflect a little. Instead, you've now given me license to take my turn.

argosciv ago

It's cute that you think that's the only thing on my list...

I fucked up

Congrats on taking responsibility.

But guessing your mind was made up before you asked.

Remember what I said about what happens when I go quiet?

It is verifiable that I had not made up my mind before I asked and indeed gave a lot of time for more to unfold.

Check the fucking timeline. When did I ask? When did I begin to lessen my public involvement?

Go ahead. Fire away.

You're going to have to wait for this one. Contrary to what you might think, I haven't pre-planned/pre-written anything for this situation, but I've definitely kept mental notes on what I want to address.

argosciv ago

You sure you want to know? Or are you just going to "tl;dr" it like you did to @Vindicator?

argosciv ago

Aw yeah?

This the way it's supposed to be huh? A'ight

Sit back and wait. I'll get back to you when I damn well feel like it.

argosciv ago


<submission title>

I want you to not only listen to the song and watch the video, but also think real fucking hard before you ask me to clarify further.

I've always said, when I go quiet, something is going on in the background...

I'm sure you at least noticed how quiet I suddenly became, even if it took you more than a day to catch on to my resignation.

From song lyrics:

Time to put the silicon obsession down

Take a look around, find a way in the silence