21298079? ago

Google is disgusting it hates Western civilisation and Whites? Whistleblower Zach Vorhies Spoke Out....it gets worse, political censorship, they also use a lot of masonic and satanic symbolism https://voat.co/v/QRV/3501040

21290861? ago


21201631? ago

Laughs in Q.

Laughs in Russian.

Those are the only shills here.

21200984? ago

What say @gabara. How does it feel?

21200839? ago

Trying to lull us into a false sense of security, eh?

If I were a shill manager, I would have different teams. At least one of those teams would be tasked with looking stupid and obvious so nobody catches the other ones.

21201405? ago

That's very ((())) of you.

21200773? ago

Don't be so hard on yourself, OP.

21200733? ago

Don’t forget @TheAmerican

21200810? ago

I think he is associated with voat somehow. Someone I trust told me that.

21200977? ago

He's our village idiot.

21202736? ago

He's funny sometimes I guess. I don't hate him. Its probably putt.

21200780? ago

You can't blame me for trying.

21200472? ago

There's a few to be added to that list. Isn't that right goat404?

21199207? ago

You left out @Joe_McCarthy

21202314? ago

I often disagree with him but I don't think he's a shill.

21224431? ago

Well first off, its not a him, its a team of kikes running that account.

21200483? ago

There's a few he left off like New World Ebola and all his alts.

21199257? ago

At various times he will present arguments that are contradictory to one another. He doesn't seem like a shill so much as a guy who just feels like he learns more by playing devil's advocate.

21201401? ago

Oh he's a shill.

21199338? ago

Nope, pure shill. OP is a fag.

21207760? ago

I'd rather be a fag than a shill.

21199018? ago

We deserve better shills than the ones we have. Come on hasbara, pull your eejut fingers out!

21198925? ago

Yep. Only the lowest of the low get internet duty.