Is this the best revolution the French pussies can muster up?? I've seen them get crazier over winning a soccer game. (anon)
submitted 6.2 years ago by 2892224?
Where are all the soccer hooligans at?? Maybe if France lost a soccer game to muslims then a revolution would start? Pussies
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15393352? 6.2 years ago
I tink a lo of them are there, they're in yellow.
15601065? 6.2 years ago
Frogistan dark meme magic? France is literally the real life global jew shitted smut website dedicated to pushing pornography and hateful Ethno-Masochism
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15393352? ago
I tink a lo of them are there, they're in yellow.
15601065? ago
Frogistan dark meme magic? France is literally the real life global jew shitted smut website dedicated to pushing pornography and hateful Ethno-Masochism