15821936? ago

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15787084? ago

This submission was linked from this v/AnonThoughts comment by @15787060.

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14919144? ago

Ebola is coming anyway, That should wipe out all the cities. You get it by touching what they touch. Then a few billion down and we can dispense with whomever in the carnage.

The dork masters of the universe are planning on riding it out in New Zealand. We'll have to make sure they all get it.

14929011? ago

Is this Q-tards Qcult level shit, maybe? say that shit aint so and fuck soap box ! @SeanBox @Caveman_in_a_suit btw heygeorge KO'ed the soap box and all moved to bong hits! also fuck these @heygeorge @plankO nigga @Rotteuxx is hey george a fascist ?

14933972? ago

he's not a member of antifa so no he's not fascist but he is violent it's just that violence isn't directed towards any goal

14930044? ago

Anon faggot

16432830? ago

is /u/Othmar_Regin some kind of jew raghead ?

14730679? ago

Why didn't they just shoot one or two? The rest would run-away.

14918340? ago

14918445? ago

2 years ago the people movers, they tried it in Europe, the ivasion of Europe with illegals seems to be working? @newoldwave @LettItBurn @olieman population replacement?

14918911? ago

@0rion @Vibratron arrivals and welfare @Food_Stamp ...you say @Judasrope @Pubiclouse invaders !?

14849130? ago

10 hrs? ... How much Jew-French-Arab Mi6 Hollyweird Flix 'MEDIA' do you or did you consume each week https://www.voat.co/v/8chan/2738356

14729823? ago

Look at that picture. Those poor mothers and children are only seeking refuge, you monster!

14918305? ago

when did the west create the welfare baby making business @Ricky_Bobby @golgotham @knothappy2018 ?

14731936? ago

14918500? ago

twisted game, replace the peoples ? @Dfens @Vibratron @Pubiclouse @hang_em_high a caravan !

14734265? ago

Thanks, buddy.

14918376? ago

what's with the arrival of immigrant. illegals criminals across Mexico before the election @uvulectomy @Asashio ? @SWINE_PORKUS ? @Oh_Well_ian @vivalad

14918427? ago

2 years ago they tried it in Europe, the ivasion of Europe with illegals seems to be working? @Durm @sand_mann @gentronseven population replacement?

14729632? ago

whats wrong?

...first of all in the the USA, Europe, Canada you have a developing class of 'FEELS' Before Facts...Let's call them in-numerates, what is it to be part of the political in-numerates not understanding basic adding or math. Lets look at facts without saying these illegal immigrants are drug dealers, terrorists, criminal thief etc Looks look at the facts and numbers that dumb political elites, the in-numerates do not understand...there are only so many people you can put on a boat before it sinks, only so many in a movie theater you can fit before its a crush or a dangerous stampeed, only so much weight you can put on an aircraft... even if you wanted to help? Look at facts... Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=LPjzfGChGlE The Muslim Invasion Of Europe 2017 https://hooktube.com/watch?v=Sirj6qNLAEU ... There isn’t nearly as much coal left as most people think. “Clean coal” will run down limited reserves even faster. If humanity doesn’t begin massive, sustained investment in renewable power sources immediately, civilization could be at risk before the end of the century. And that’s without considering the impacts of climate change. https://grist.org/article/2009-07-27-blackout-heinberg-on-dwindling-coal-reserves-and-the-siren-song/ A modest proposal for a new population debate http://www.pbs.org/wnet/need-to-know/opinion/a-modest-proposal-for-population-control/10420/

The chart to the right shows the sources of the population growth. The green section represents current native born Americans, whose population levels actually decrease over time because of less-than-replacement level fertility rates. The red section represents population growth caused by current and future immigrants.https://www.numbersusa.com/pages/whats-problem The chart below shows the U.S. Census Bureau's middle-range projection of how much additional population will be forced into the United States if current immigration and fertility levels continue. http://www.flsuspop.org/USGrowth.html 1970 serves as the baseline year for this analysis as it was during that decade (in 1972) that American women voluntarily reached replacement level fertility (2.1 children per woman). It was also near 1970 that the number of legal immigrants allowed into the country began to rise rapidly as a result of immigration law changes in 1965. http://www.cairco.org/issues/mass-immigration-driving-us-population-double Increasing Global Nonrenewable Natural Resource Scarcity—An Analysis The clash? https://www.quora.com/Are-we-currently-facing-the-clash-of-civilisations-described-by-S-P-Huntington ? Pol https://yuki.la/pol/87126440 Huntington’s Clash Of Civilizations Is Real ? https://www.rightsidenews.com/life-and-science/culture-wars/samuel-huntingtons-clash-of-civilizations-is-real/ Posted by Gail the Actuary . This is a guest post by Chris Clugston. http://www.theoildrum.com/node/6345 The Global NNR Scarcity Analysis is based on US Geological Survey (USGS) and US Energy Information Administration (EIA) data related to global production and pricing associated with fifty seven (57) NNRs—energy resources, metals, and minerals. http://dieoff.org/page54.htm The United States population would have increased by less than 24 million persons between 1970 and 1990, but immigrants and their descendants radically increased the growth by more than 24 million additional people. An NPG demographic analysis of age distribution, fertility, and mortality data shows that if there had been no immigration to the U.S. since 1990, the population in 2000 would have been 262 million - 19 million less than the 281 million counted. Thus, post-1990 immigrants and their children accounted for 61% of U.S. population growth during the last decade https://www.susps.org/overview/immigration.html Some reading http://in-gods-name.blogspot.com/2011/12/peak-nnr-scarcity-humanitys-last.html Peak NNR: Scarcity: Humanity’s Last Chapter : A Comprehensive Analysis of Nonrenewable Natural Resource (NNR) Scarcity’s Consequences https://catagenesis.wordpress.com/tag/ecological-footprint/ image below using Chris Clugston’s “On American Sustainability – Anatomy of a Societal Collapse” as the feedstock. It’s an eye-opening read if you haven’t yet had the pleasure of doing so. Check out Clugston’s writings.

14918472? ago

how are so many people moving ? @manifestation @ShiftF12 @Ex-Redditor I thought they were poor had no cash

16424864? ago


When was this?

There are too many attacks to keep them all straight anymore


14729629? ago

Stop christcucks breeding their shitskin pets and mother nature will take care of the rest.

16385947? ago

maybe nature will do its natural work? @nospyingpls @fastregister but they said trust the plan goyim niggaz !! @Mustard_Monkey @Blunt_Echo @70times7