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itsmytime ago

You won't get any criticisms from me. I've always noticed and commented on how people love to criticize volunteers. You see it in churches, non profits, working sites, and even on the street. The Salvation Bell Ringer "didn't do something right". And these people are always the ones who would never lift a finger to do what the person they are criticizing is doing. I've said to many people (including my husband) "if you aren't willing to do that job, then you need to close your mouth". We need to try to remember to thank volunteers where ever we see them. If I go to an open meeting I will thank the person handing out flyers at the door for being a volunteer. I have no way of knowing what percentage of every constructive task in this world is done on a volunteer basis but I'm willing to bet is is surprisingly high. I do believe that our world would fall apart in a minute without them. Thank you PuttItOut.