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8483rene ago

(5.5 year member here) To the creators of VOAT: Thank you for all your hard work and dedication in building the site...

... and I am saddened to see it go. I have my suspicions that VOAT was part of the plan. This final sendoff comes at a time when Patriots all over the world are prepped ready for the finale, but no donation taking? No building on stronger redundancy? Just it is time to go. If the purpose of VOAT was meant to not only inform, guide, and prepare, but also to inspire the building of new forums... mission accomplished. Am considering heavily. If I could ask the founders for one more thing, it would be for the documented developer's history of VOAT. Design history, implementations, frameworks, DBs, attack history, attack defense, growth history, costs breakdown, etc, etc. VOAT's experience could guide the development of future VOATs re-adding diversity across the internet.

My sincerest thank you VOAT Devs. This place has been my home for the past 5.5 years. God speed you onto your next projects.


Inaminit ago

Voat will endure in many forms...