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Ziggyspeaks ago

I read through a shitload of the comments left by my fellow Goats and I have to say, what I read is a testament to what Freedom and Liberty mean. I have so much respect for all who have spent so much time and energy finding the truth, standing against the attacks on our Right to speak freely, to share information, to say whatever the fuck we want to say WITHOUT CENSORSHIP! Some of you have pissed me off by attacking my contributions and I have to thank you for that. You forced my ass to grow stronger and to defend (with facts) my position, my opinion, my ideas, my words.

I also have many friends here that I will never meet face to face. Over the past few years, THIS has been my source for news. THIS has been my source for honest and blunt criticism as well as being the one place where I know I am able to express myself as I choose without some lame fuck banning my ass, or limiting my posts or deleting my account for simply expressing MY God Given Right to say whatever the fuck I want.

Despite my FUCKING language, I find my strength in God. I have been blessed to have been given this life and am grateful for the chance to be a part of HIS army. I Love this Great Republic and I will fight to the death to preserve and protect what my Mayflower ancestor wanted when he landed here.

My Family Tree, like many of yours has branches filled with True Patriots, Revolutionaries who never thought twice about sacrificing everything for God, for Country and for the future of this Great Republic and OUR American Way Of Life.

This is truly our 1776.

Much more than that though...We may very well be in the end times. I have no fear of dying. My soul is eternal. I was blessed with a life of freedom, of choices, of imagination, of creativity, of free thinking and of LIBERTY. I was blessed because those who came before me with their sacrifice and their blood insured that I would have those RIGHTS.

We have a duty to pass that on to future generations. We can not allow the sacrifices of our ancestors to be made in vain

I am honored to be a part of such a powerful and momentous group of Patriots-Worldwide! Where We Go 1 We Go All!

We Will Win This Fight!

Thank you and God Bless You All and God Bless America. Keep the FAITH and be Strengthened by the LIGHT of TRUTH. "It is always Darkest just before the Dawn".

Merry Christmas!