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MinorLeakage ago

If the "Angel" defaulted on the contract, you're under no obligation to protect their identity. So who was it?

I used to believe you, but I don't believe this post at all, to be frank. Your writing style has changed immensely for starters. Convenient timing, that is for sure. Going dark when we finally need the place.

I'd like to be gracious, but thanks for nothing I guess.

Tallest_Skil ago

lol, he’s a fed. This became a honeypot when the ✡angel✡ took over.

BentAxel ago

If that were true, it wouldn't be shut down. They would put more money at it.

Tallest_Skil ago

Nah, we’ve outlived our usefulness, see. The Great Reset is coming, and with it the literal death of all the old ways. There won’t be elections anymore. There won’t be whites anymore. White nationalists are the first to go. We were kept from acting for years, and now they’re just going to go door to door and take care of us. They don’t need to give us this little outlet where we whine impotently. They’ve won. They know we won’t fight back.

BentAxel ago

They know we won’t fight back.

When there is nothing left to live for, People will die for.