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PatriotProven ago

Amen, brother! It’s far better to die on your feet than to beg for crumbs on your knees. We are not of this world, hence the hatred toward us.

A testimony of what Voat has meant in my life: Without going into detail, there was a day in my life where I found myself staring into the nuclear abyss in defense of Israel. After kneeling at Jesus feet some years later, his love for Israel became mine. Little did I know how vile and polluted those who call themselves Jews are. (The Talmud is the work of Satan.) So, Voat was used to open my eyes to the truth. Now, I have a deeper understanding of what was really happening in Israel when Jesus was here, and why he wept over Jerusalem. I doubt his grief has abated. But, we must remember, that he still loves Israel, even in their sin. Just as he did us.

andrew_white_forever ago

Seeing a reformed Qfag like you has made my day.