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casualgoat ago


Thank you. Thank you for keeping this up and running for as long as you did. I never wholly bought into the hive mind here. I think NatSocs, by definition are Socialists, and I don’t care for Socialists, regardless of whether they’re nationalist or not. I think good people can be found in every race and culture, though I agree there are some tough conversations we as a people need to have there, and these conversations haven’t really been allowed anywhere other than Voat.

That being said, Voat kept me sane these last few, hard years. Not because of the content, but just because I knew there was a place out there where people could speak freely. And while there was a lot of garbage here, there was a lot of beauty too. A lot of thought provoking conversations. A lot of challenges to my own way of thinking.

But always there was freedom and liberty here.

I wish there was something I could give you to help you the way you’ve helped me, but nothing would seem adequate. Thanks for thumbing your nose, and spitting into the eye of the hurricane that’s enveloped us all. You stood tall, and you stood proud, and you made a difference, for far longer than just about anyone else out there. Hold steady in the days to come and look after yourself and your loved ones. I wish the very best for you in the future. Good bye, and good luck!