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Wowbagger ago

@Atko @puttitout @morbo @obvious-throwaway @worf_motorboats_troi

So long and thanks for all the fish.


Look up my username on whatever site you migrate to buddy, or stop by the movie channel and check in from time to time

OoklaTheMok111 ago

Still Sunday at 6?


Movies are on Saturday evenings now, the start time fluctuates but 6est is a pretty common start time. Grosp plays older movies Sunday in early afternoon. There's often a few people hanging out and watching random movies or youtube posts on other nights too if you want to pop in and see what's going on.

thatguyiam ago

Can't view anonymously


You just have to type in a username. It can be a temporary guest username, you just have to add something in this field so that a name shows up on the user list. This was done because there was some concern that it was possible for someone to set up a chat logger or something and real users wouldn't have any way of knowing they were even there.

If you want to be able to add something to the playlist you have to register your username with cytube. You're not required to provide an email address when you join, you basically just assign a password to your username so nobody else can use it.