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Goathole ago

Bye @7e62ce85, thanks for all your work and interesting posts.

Bye /u/NeedleStack, I'm really going to miss you. I do now but I had always hoped that you would come back.

Bye /u/KatHarzso, you really are Kitty Lover Number One and I am merely your shadow. You always loved cats more and I was wrong to accuse you of less.

Bye /u/Artofchoke, you scary bitch. I miss you and your raccoons tons.

Bye /u/AR47, may all your legos be placed before your feet in the middle of the night you homo. I know you got in trouble awhile back about things and I always felt it was wrong of the others to jump on you for it.

Bye /u/Warnos44, I hope you raise good little Nazis. Please take down the swastika in your bedroom or at least draw the shades so that don't trigger the dirty fucking liberals anymore.

THANKS u/fluxusp. You know what you do and I have appreciated it all these years. Many of us have.

@thelma. You dirty whore. I know you changed accounts but then you poofed. I miss you.

THANKS @/u/daskapitalist. You keep doing what you're doing, it is important even if you only reach a few at a time. There are few that I admire here but you are one of them.

/u/CognitiveDissident5, I hope you don't get raped by niggers. You don't deserve that.

Bye /u/lorlipone, you were always worth it.

Bye @Cancel_Cat_Facts, you homo. No, you're actually a homo but I don't hold it against you because you're a niggerfaggot, not a normal faggot.

Bye @Middle_Path, thanks for the gardening and the many many things you contributed to before you embraced your love of gardening.

Bye @/u/clamhurt_legbeard. Clammy, you nigger. I can't believe a woman let you touch her bobbies much less allowed you to reproduce. Breakout Goathole200 for me one last time you homo.

@/u/Joe_McCarthy_. You suck jew dick and thanks for the 1 year ban you dickhead. GO FUCK YOURSELF.

May @OwlChemy continue to rest in peace.

There are many others I'll miss and even though this is just the internet, you meant something to me. Jew_Hunter, who counted coup on many a jew, tendiesonthefloor, MrPimm, dayofthepillow, @/u/Rotteuxx with his shop projects that were ALWAYS interesting, that tranny /u/Empress who always seemed to keep it classy, @/u/bourbonexpert who doesn't know it but we may have met on occasion because we have been in the same places, @discoball, man..........if you'd have just taken our money we wouldn't have had all these problems with imagehosting, we all trusted you because you were one of us and we all miss you.

@/u/GoogleStoleMyBike, lol, muh nigga. It was a good run.

@/u/zyklon_b. You spaz. You went full retard on srayzie. She had it coming though.

I am going to miss all of you but as I scroll through my old posts I can see the change that voat has made, it's not what it was 5 years ago and that's alright but I can't help but feel nostalgic.

I may have missed you in my goodbyes above but to be honest there just isn't enough room for everyone I'd like to say bye to. Many have left or changed user names, I know I have, but I'll always think fondly of voat and the niggers that smelled the place up here.

FUCK this is sad.

7e62ce85 ago

I appreciate it! Many of us are going to or have been there a while. See you there I hope!