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uvulectomy ago


2. If the "angel" defaulted on their contract, NAME AND SHAME THEM.

3. LET. THE. PEOPLE. DONATE. Seriously, bitcoin, dogecoin, etherium, money order, envelopes with cash, whatever. Allow the users to anonymously donate in order to keep this place running, because we need it now more than ever. Don't let the fucking kikes win.

@PuttItOut @Atko

illuminalto2 ago

We're not being given a chance it seems.

Whole lotta "I cant do it" and not a lotta "Yo atko passed this on cause he couldn't do it, does someone else want to do it?"

Goats have money.

This isn't an existential problem.

Easily solveable.

BoomerHater1488er ago

It has been tried before like two or three years ago. Generally what happens is that there is a massive surge of donations. The site is funded for two or three months.

Then the people who donated stop because they figure they did their share.

The people who didn't donate continue to not donate, and the site runs out of money.

It's expensive to keep a site like Voat up.

illuminalto2 ago

How expensive? That is the question.

$1k /mo?




It's a logistical problem that is solveable.

ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago had a funding drive (it's another site like voat and poal). They did all the backend themselves. They just had to pay for bandwidth. They have relatively the same number of subscribers as voat. As I recall, it was on the order of a few hundred a month. He was able to secure funding and keep the site going with donations. Of course, he isn't being paid to run the site. That might be a problem for the site here. A good sysadmin can bring in $100K at a "real job" that has set hours and doesn't lead to burnout. So that's on the order of $10K per month just for his salary if he needs to be paid. Then there is the actual equipment on the backend doing the hosting. That isn't free. I would gather if you added it all up, maybe $15K per month plus some extra for insurance, taxes, etc. Maybe $25K total.

oneinchterror ago

I highly doubt Saidit has as many users as Voat. That said, if they can fund themselves so can we.