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Xilgian ago

There is no replacement for Vote. I will for sure miss it. I would have donated. But to run a site like this takes a revenue stream, not just a quick influx of cash. That soon dries up. Monetizing with other means is difficult. My guess would be that there are less than 50 here who would pony up $100. $5000 would last a month. The site needs revenue of $10K every month... my guess. I am on Ruqqus and many others. I really like Xephula. Xeph is like a combination of Gab, Twitter, and Facebook, with lots of ways to monetize your own content. You can run blogs and pages, and feature articles. There is NO censoring on Xephula. It would be my preferred location, but we need more of our team to be there. I'll miss you all!