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GreenSlug ago

Your perpetual refusal to being any sort of discussion to the community in regards to funding and running things is all thats needed to know anything you have to say is merely an excuse.

You could have said anything at any point to us. Yet you didnt. And so it is that you decided by yourself to let the place die. To let things run and expire. Rather than reach out for help, you decided it was over. So be it, it was expected this would ultimately be your doing.

So, congratulations. Youve done it. Exactly what you set yourself up to do. You achieved exactly the goal you set your sights on.

Glipglup ago

Aren't they just the most pathetic people? Whoever is running putts account, I can only imagine how much soy is coursing through their simp veins.

I'm starting a temporary discord to archive Voat and to setup a new forum for Voat users to migrate to. I'll fucking take lead myself and I'll get funding too. I already know where to get about 5k to start with myself. I'm fucking serious, I need a place to post freely and I'm not letting the Jews get in the way.

Fuck it. I'm taking lead. I'll post links later. I'm not going to be afraid of the consequences. I'm willing to die for this.