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Tallest_Skil ago


Fucking finally. At least the hoax is over. Thanks for finally coming clean.

To everyone who said otherwise: No shit I was right. Again. You think I was lying all these years? I don’t say shit unless I’m right. Doesn’t make me happy about it. Guess I have to post my Q-LARP submission now, while the site still exists…

Crensch ago

You weren't right about anything.

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting I was right, yeah. Your god is a hoax and always has been. The first post was a hoax. All the posts have been a hoax. There were no arrests. There were no indictments. There was no military action. There were no imprisonments. There was no coup. There was no martial law. There was no plan.

Never was. Never will be.

Scream for me.


Ski Fag, you may very well be right about the political bullshit.

But concerning The Lord your God, HE is gonna snap you like a twig son. EVERY knee shall bow. EVERY. Esp Yours.

Enjoy your 15 secs...

Tallest_Skil ago

the Lord

Oh no, I’m talking about Q-LARP. Note that I use a lowercase “god” when talking about it. The Qult treats it as a god. They worship it, even though it’s a proven jewish hoax. They refuse to answer any questions about it, because to them it is infallible.

Jesus Christ, my lord and savior, is an actual representation of God.


Roger that, gotcha. My bad.