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R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

-Trust me, I want to drop every dirty detail about the Angel and the act of betrayal that Voat has suffered. But it is written: "avenge not yourselves".-

This reminds me of my mother. Lie to my face to save me the truth. Yeah, I cut her out of my life because truth is the only thing that matters.

If you want to tell the truth do it. Your lack of transparency makes you look guilty of something. Then hiding behind "God" to make yourself feel better about lying by omission, reminds me of situations that include priests and little kids. The lowest of low.

-The secret reality of the world we live in is that winners and losers are chosen by the power structure. If you don't play the game, you don't get any prizes (aka $$$). Shutting down is the consequence of not compromising ideals.I chose a noble death.-

This piece tells us, you sold us out for cash and prizes.

A noble dies in lavish bed with servants caring for him.

We need a hero.

Who bought you?

How much did they pay?

Protecting them only damns your soul to eternal fire, just remember that when you go to bed every night.

The truth will set you free.