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SparklingWiggle ago

@Puttitout sell me the code. I will re-start with a different URL/name.

knightwarrior41 ago

HE WONT dont u get it

SparklingWiggle ago

If you don't try, you can never know.

knightwarrior41 ago

read the other posters before you asking him to allow them to help. its not about the money, its about something else.

the fact that he doesnt talk about "the angel" is all that you need to know about how fishy this all sounds to be.

most of the times when people do things in secret is because they have something to hide.for a site that prided itself in transparency its pretty odd that an investor would want to be anon even if he bails out from the venture.

people ought to know, because like it or not we are/were part of this whole enterprise with our contributions and shitposts

SparklingWiggle ago

I did read, and while I have my own theories, we don't know what is going on. I'm asking for the code. I'm not sure wbat your point is. At first, it seemed you were suggesting I was wasting my time. Now, it seems you are suggesting Justin shouldn't be allowed to help with a new site.

knightwarrior41 ago

I'm not sure wbat your point is

i just wanted you to not waste your time but if you are inclined to heck,be my guest ask away