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MinorLeakage ago

If the "Angel" defaulted on the contract, you're under no obligation to protect their identity. So who was it?

I used to believe you, but I don't believe this post at all, to be frank. Your writing style has changed immensely for starters. Convenient timing, that is for sure. Going dark when we finally need the place.

I'd like to be gracious, but thanks for nothing I guess.

Tallest_Skil ago

lol, he’s a fed. This became a honeypot when the ✡angel✡ took over.

Ocelot ago

Always enjoyed your comments brother. Take care of yourself.

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks, man. You too. Maybe we’ll find each other on one of the refugee boards. Maybe we’ll find each other out in the world, cleansing a ghetto from both sides and meeting in the middle. Maybe we’ll find each other in the starvation camps.

I just hope this isn’t the end.

SLM123 ago

You’ve annoyed me plenty of times. Great thing about voat is there has always been a dissenting opinion on every topic. You’ve been consistent. And must admit probably more correct that I previously thought. Will miss what this place was 6 or 7 years ago when I first started lurking. Voats a shell of its former self.