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isvoat86 ago

Read between the lines on this page. (hint:it ain't white) It's a fucking legal canary.

I suspect Putt has been told by the NEUDOJ that he will be hunted down to the corners of the earth should anything be linked to him personally closer than Kevin Bacon.

The puppet masters have been waiting for this moment and pulled their collective strings all over the world. The purse strings are everything. The only way to make sheeple understand is effective information sources that are not obtuse enough to trigger the censors (and more effective than the tap root they've all been feeding off) and to get them re-rest. We've entered or rather allowed ourselves to accept a new totalitarian state that was set up before our eyes. National elections stolen in broad daylight and yet nary a whisper except for the few brave enough to march in protest. This is a machine started and will only be contained when enough people are in the same despair (meaning used up shithole for the globalists). They have to realize they are living in an open air prison and are now the prisoners. They have to realize deep inside all the lies they've been told and genuinely feel it. Until then it's fuck all.

Most as observer I've learned so much from this site and the above-average goats who've dedicated themselves to a different way of seeing the world. Thank you all for defending free speech. I will miss this collective information that connects the dots and brings sense to reality.

Memes to carry forward: Fraud is not democracy. The greatest trick the devil ever played.., Who wins from this? We are all slaves now. Are you being programmed? The TV watches you now. 78% al all unnamed,. Don't google loxism, , three holodomors and 16-20 million white Christians, 6 multinational corporation controlling ninety percent of media ownership etc. Cloward Piven and Kalergi for prez 2024. If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. etc etc Go forth with your head held high fuckers.