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vaeax ago

instead of crying or saying "but we'll donate", we all need to use this thread to figure out where we're going to go next.

all i've heard so far is poal. what else?

we_kill_creativity ago

Make the site membership based for a dollar a month. Why wouldn't that be a good "what we're going to do next"?

vaeax ago

Why wouldn't that be a good "what we're going to do next"

it's not good because he's not going to do that. his statement wasnt an invitation for debate or problem solving or a "what he should do" or "what if he did x". it's "this site will close in a few days, you guys need to figure out where to go next" situation

we_kill_creativity ago

It is good because he should hand the place off to someone else they should do a cheap subscription based model.