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VoatsNewfag ago

defaulted on the contract in March 2020. This is when Voat lost all of it’s funding. I personally decided to keep Voat up until after the U.S. election of 2020. I’ve been paying the costs out of pocket but now I’m out of money.

That is 7 months.

On the one hand, it's impressive that you paid this much on your own for us.

On the other hand, there was quite a bit of time to ask for donations, sell advertisements and ask for another angel to keep it afloat a bit longer or mitigate what you'd had to pay on your own.

I suppose voat is too much of a burden, and perhaps a risk in case violence happens before or during the inauguration in 2021.

TheSeer ago

We should have been alerted the moment the 'angel' (devil?) pulled the rug out from under us.

Helena73 ago

Its a cover story

you-do-you-dude ago

yep, this place has been compromised for some time now. Killing it is actually better for us, as those same (((bastards))) will have to attack a new target, and it will take time for that new target to bend to their will. I think this is the natural course of things when the jews control so much of the world. We should take over ruqqus or poal or some other platform. We have a big enough community, that most alternatives will immediately become voat after we migrate.