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UndercoverGoyim ago

I'm sure hundreds of users (including myself) would donate to keep this site up because it's the last bastion of true free speech on the internet. In these difficult times of (((misinformation))), Voat is more crucial than ever.

Babadookk ago

yeah it makes no sense that he would shut it down without at least asking for financial help if thats the only reason why he cant keep the site up. this smells fishy

vastrightwing ago

It makes sense if voat is a honey pot funded by Mossad, CIA or similar. The sysop may be an operative also. It doesn't really matter in the end. We need a new home. I don't have time to spin up a site in 4 days. Perhaps a wordpress site would suffice. We could call it voatless or something. Oh, wordpress requires a valid email to register.

Nigger_Loving_Jew ago

There is a bunker on 9chan that can be used until someone makes a Voat clone