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MinorLeakage ago

If the "Angel" defaulted on the contract, you're under no obligation to protect their identity. So who was it?

I used to believe you, but I don't believe this post at all, to be frank. Your writing style has changed immensely for starters. Convenient timing, that is for sure. Going dark when we finally need the place.

I'd like to be gracious, but thanks for nothing I guess.

Tallest_Skil ago

lol, he’s a fed. This became a honeypot when the ✡angel✡ took over.

anoncastillo ago

Our backup on the chans wouldn't be the same without you angrily ranting that none of us will do anything.

Tallest_Skil ago

Eh, I may hit that up, then. Shame about... literally every website on the Internet, really.