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R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

So, that's it?

That's our Christmas present?

We get our site shut down.

No asking for money or help.

Not even offering up a buyout or hand over of rights and privileges.

How much do you want for everything? Just a straight hand over of power. If you don't have a number or are not willing to sell, that will tell me everything I need to know.

I'm not rich but I know some people who are, but I can't sell something that isn't for sale or has already been bought out.

But something is off.

Who is this "angel", and why is their name still being protected after a breach of trust and/or contract?

I don't expect a response. Thanks for everything. I know it can't be easy but I imagine the payout was nice.

If you don't want to be vengeful, that's fine and good. But that's what I do for fun. Give us some information on this "angel" so we can settle the score.

To all you goats - This was by far the best red pill site on the net. I got 12,000 memes at least from you wonderful fucks. Keep giving them hell. With any luck things will get real in a very short period of time.

Here's to you

And here's to me

If we had any disagreements in the past

Fuck you

And here's to me

HeavyBrain ago

To a future where we evntually may shitpost freely or to a quick and honorable death in the shitshow that is incoming in the next months and years.