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fuckconservatives ago

does anyone know of a decent voat alternative?

Helena73 ago

Ruqqus about to become a lot more fascist.

Acerphoon ago

It's about time. i have heard is also nice, but they don't allow you to say that you want to kill communists.

DontBeRacist ago

I wanna drop communists out of helicopters...

with parachutes...

that have holes in them!

Helena73 ago

I was just checking out ruqqus and it seems fairly racist.

Acerphoon ago

It is.
But there are some leftists and "anti-racist" liberals there aswell who organize in discord servers, which is kind of weird. But with enough voat users, it would easily overwhelm them.

redsun ago

The problem is that Ruqqus moderators are liberal leaning, if things get out of hand it will be those who criticise jews who get kicked out.