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MinorLeakage ago

If the "Angel" defaulted on the contract, you're under no obligation to protect their identity. So who was it?

I used to believe you, but I don't believe this post at all, to be frank. Your writing style has changed immensely for starters. Convenient timing, that is for sure. Going dark when we finally need the place.

I'd like to be gracious, but thanks for nothing I guess.

ScreaminMime ago

Keeping it voatish till the end.

HappyRifleman ago

Then we move to

Trash_Panda ago

You're a nigger

MinorLeakage ago

Well it was honest. The real Putts left us a long time ago.

Hand_of_Node ago

Probably not. I've seen the "new Putt" recognize old users and say hi to them. Last year anyway. Way downthread, he responded to TheBuddha and exchanged a couple comments. A fake Putt would have no clue. Even a database of 'past exchanges' makes that pretty unlikely.