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ninjajunkie ago

I will never forget what you have done for us. You fought the good fight. The battle for liberty will never end, and I will fight them in every way I know how as long as I draw breath. You glorious bastards are why. Godspeed you niggerfaggots.

We stand side by side as conquerors or we die together.

Glipglup ago

Stop this gay larp shit and stop praising someone who treats you like an incompetent fool. Fuck the feds running this site and fuck whatever fed faggot is reading.

I'm not letting this go, I'm willing to die. I'm making a new forum and if the feds come after me I'll start blasting, I don't give a fuck. I'm not a pussy simp shill like putt, I would respond in a thread like this unlike that coward.