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Why dont you name this Angel who violated his contract?

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Fallen Angel

Dread_Pirate_Johnson ago

An anon replied this to me once:

“ Atif Colo, European "refugee" Muslim, the inventor of Voat and one running it behind the scenes.”

Helena73 ago

Its probably the same group pushing Q. Since it will be eminently clear that Q is a fraud by Jan 20, this place has served its purpose and is now only a liability.

HereSinceDayOne ago

This place predates Q.

SurfinMindWaves ago

They're talking about the unnamed "Angel" that defaulted being the Q Group, not Voat in its entirety.

Ocelot ago

Wow, that thought never crossed my mind even with the unrelenting deluge of Q niggers, but it makes so much sense.

Hand_of_Node ago


Helena73 ago

And we were just getting to know one another. Are you going to ruqqus or poal maybe?

Hand_of_Node ago

Have had a poal account since the first days-long outage. Will pm.

Also made an account on the other alt site starting with a 'p', but I forgot the name of it. Was one of the first 3 users on, but that's pretty normie. Maybe will look at ruqqus again, as there's probably no site that isn't compromised.

Kiwifarms is having major issues right now too, and they were 'pretty' liberal with their speech policies.

2020 appears to be the year darkness descends on our planet.

knightwarrior41 ago


Glipglup ago

Been saying this from the start but nobody would listen. I have posts from over a year ago describing this. Now here we are.

Would anyone like some stock tips? Apparently I can see the future.

KDs_Other_Burner ago

I'll take the stock tips.

Helena73 ago

Probably Sheldon fuckn Adelson or maybe someone worse.

Babadookk ago

he prob cant cause its a jew