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7566835? ago

Let the 1st Amendment of the Constitution continue to find a home here.

Do nothing -> Option two.

That said, survival is paramount. If a sub actually presents an existential threat to VOAT due to legal i$$ues it presents then do what you have to do to keep VOAT alive. Free speech is nothing if no one can hear it.

7566906? ago

Voat already serves content thats illegal in countries like the UK. Seems the site owners don't give a fuck about any other law than US law. Even though their website is served via international servers at Cloudflare.

If they want only US law to apply here, they should host it in US only. But who am I. I wish they would make it more clear that Voat is for US citizens only.

7567238? ago

. Seems the site owners don't give a fuck about any other law

Thanks for the reply but I think you have been poisoned by cultural relativism. The First Amendment is not "just an American Law". It is a universal right of all men. It is an innate right.

All violations of the 1st Amendment that we see in Britain and Scandinavia and Germany are the product of a socialist-collectivist mindset which rejects the fundamental notion of democratic rights. These violations are just about power and the will of an elite to control the many.

There is no principled and reasoned argument by the elite in Europe against the 1st Amendment. You do not hear debates on this. Power is their only argument.

If the concept of a democracy is to hold, people must be allowed to speak freely and without fetter. The more speech we have, the more reasoned arguments can foster wise outcomes from Government and society.

The principles of the US Constitution's 1st Amendment are, thus, at the core to Western Democracy. The USA is the "shining city upon a hill" for this reason.

Now tell me how you want someone else to determine what you can say and think.

“How do I know what I think until I see what I say?” -EM Foster

7567254? ago

I agree but is not really based in reality. Fact is that some subs here are illegal in countries such as the UK. It is a fact. You can say the UK has bad law, but it is their law. Anyhow, it is off topic in here. I'm just spewing, haha.

7567358? ago

So, can the UK ban VOAT from the internet when the servers are in the USA? No?

Then not only are UK censorship laws illegitimate, they are also impotent. Good thing!

7567638? ago

The UK can stop Cloudflare from serving content that is illegal in the UK on the Cloudflare servers located in the UK. As long as Voat uses Cloudflare, their content is served on servers located in different countries, the content on those servers have to adhere to the laws of those countries.

US law doesn't trump UK law for servers located in the UK. Though I realise judging by the amount of DMCA requests I get, some people think US law applies worldwide.

So ideally, Voat would be 100% hosted in the US, then only US law applies on content served by Voat. Until then it will be weird to me to cite the US constitution on a website that isn't exclusively hosted in the US.

7569022? ago

If the UK wants to stop citizens from accessing information, that is national news. There was a case of Sweden blocking specific content in coordination with the content provider (I believe it was the It got international attention, the kind of attention that embarrasses politicians.

So, by all means, let the UK violate the rights of its citizens to read content. I relish the fire storm that will create. We can document the hell out of it and make it news for months and that will make the next "Brexit" that much more severe for the establishment..

Power has its limits. It is good to see those limits brought into view. So bring it on, UK Censors!